Time integration of transient response
function varargout = time_integration_transient(obj,Omega,varargin)
This function is used to perform direct numerical time integration of the dynamical system over a range of forcing frequencies such that transients decay to obtain a steady-state periodic response.
: object of DynamicalSystem class
: forcing frequency
optional arguments:
: maximum number of forcing cycles over which transient response is computed to achieve steady-state
: number of equally spaced forcing frequencies in omegaRange over which the periodic response is computed
: method to be chosen for time integration: 'ode45' or 'ode15s' or 'Newmark' or 'Galpha'
: the degree of freedom for which the converged periodic orbit should be plotted
: initial condition vector to be used for the first time integration
N = obj.N; [integrationMethod, nCycles, zInit, outdof, nSteps, Plot, samp] =... parse_inputs(N, varargin{:}); ndof = numel(outdof); if abs(Omega)<1e-10 T = 2*pi*nCycles; else T = 2*pi/Omega*nCycles; end obj.Omega = Omega; odefun = @(t,x) obj.odefun(t,x); residual = @(q,qd,qdd,t)obj.residual(q,qd,qdd,t); % forward simulation switch integrationMethod case 'ode45' % transient time integration to converging to steady-state % odeoptions = odeset('RelTol',1e-9,'AbsTol',1e-9); [t0, x0] = ode45(odefun, linspace(0,T,nSteps*nCycles+1), zInit); case 'ode15s' % odeoptions = odeset('RelTol',1e-9,'AbsTol',1e-9); [t0, x0] = ode15s(odefun, linspace(0,T,nSteps*nCycles+1), zInit); case {'Newmark', 'Galpha'} % Instantiate object for nonlinear time integration if abs(Omega)<1e-10 h = 2*pi/nSteps; else h = 2*pi/Omega/nSteps; end n = obj.n; if strcmp(integrationMethod,'Newmark') TI = ImplicitNewmark('timestep',h,'alpha',0.005); elseif strcmp(integrationMethod,'Galpha') TI = GeneralizedAlpha('timestep',h,'rho_inf',0.7); end % Residual evaluation function handle q0 = zInit(1:n); qd0 = zInit(n+1:N); qdd0 = obj.M\(obj.compute_fext(0) - obj.C*qd0 - obj.K*q0 ... - obj.compute_fnl(q0,qd0)); % Nonlinear Time Integration TI.Integrate(q0,qd0,qdd0,T,residual); x0 = full([TI.Solution.q; TI.Solution.qd]).'; t0 = TI.Solution.time; otherwise error('Unknown integration method chosen \n Valid choices are ode45, ode15s, Newmark and Galpha') end % save output save('traj.mat','x0', 't0','Omega') varargout{1} = t0(1:samp:end); if outdof(1)>0 varargout{2} = x0(1:samp:end,outdof); varargout{3} = x0(end,:); % final state end
Plot initial PO (check)
if outdof(1)>0 && Plot for i=1:ndof figure; i1 = outdof(i); plot(t0, x0(:,i1), 'LineWidth', 2); xlabel('time','interpreter','latex'); ylabel('z','interpreter','latex') title(['Periodic orbit \Omega= ' num2str(Omega)]) set(gca, 'LineWidth', 1.5); set(gca, 'FontSize', 14); axis square saveas(gcf,['po_' num2str(i1), '.fig']) close(gcf) end end
end function [integrationMethod,nCycles,zInit,outdof,nSteps,Plot,samp] = parse_inputs(N,varargin)
parsing inputs
defaultinit = zeros(N,1); defaultncycles = 5000; defaultIntegrationMethod = 'ode45'; defaultoutdof = 0; defaultnSteps = 30; defaultPlot = false; defaultSampGap = 1; p = inputParser; addParameter(p,'nSteps',defaultnSteps, @(x)validateattributes(x, ... {'numeric'},{'nonempty','integer','positive'}) ); addParameter(p,'outdof',defaultoutdof, @(x)validateattributes(x, ... {'numeric'},{'nonempty','integer','nonnegative'}) ); addParameter(p,'nCycles',defaultncycles, @(x)validateattributes(x, ... {'numeric'},{'nonempty','integer','positive'}) ); addParameter(p,'integrationMethod',defaultIntegrationMethod); addParameter(p,'init',defaultinit); addParameter(p,'plot',defaultPlot); addParameter(p,'samp',defaultSampGap); parse(p,varargin{:}); integrationMethod = p.Results.integrationMethod; nCycles = p.Results.nCycles; zInit = p.Results.init; outdof = p.Results.outdof; nSteps = p.Results.nSteps; Plot = p.Results.plot; samp = p.Results.samp;