function [DStype] = check_DStype(obj)
Check type of dynamical system
Check if A,B or the nonlinearity feature complex coefficients - if it does contain complex coefficients, then there are no symmetries that can be exploited for computation and the algorithm for computing the manifold is chosen accordingly.
if ~isreal(obj.System.A) obj.System.Options.DStype = 'complex'; elseif ~isreal(obj.System.B) obj.System.Options.DStype = 'complex'; elseif ~checkF(obj) obj.System.Options.DStype = 'complex'; elseif obj.dimManifold == 1 % System is not complex but computational routine works exactly the % same for an overdamped master mode as for complex DS obj.System.Options.DStype = 'complex'; elseif obj.System.Options.ChooseComplexComp obj.System.Options.DStype = 'complex'; elseif ~obj.System.Options.ChooseComplexComp obj.System.Options.DStype = 'real'; end DStype = obj.System.Options.DStype;
end function [indicator] = checkF(obj) d = length(obj.System.F) ; for j = 1:d if ~isreal(obj.System.F(j).coeffs) indicator = false; return end end indicator = true; end