Calculate FRS analytically
function cal_FRS_via_ana(obj,parRange,gammas,lambda,r,outdof,optdof,optData,R1)
% This function calcualtes the forced response surface of the system via % analytic prediction optData.coordinates = 'polar';
zero function for FRS in reduced coordinates
isbaseForce = obj.System.Options.BaseExcitation; frsFun = @(omega,epsilon,rho) frs_level_set(rho,omega,epsilon,gammas,lambda(1),abs(full(r)),isbaseForce);
plot FRS via fimplicit3
startfi = tic; rhomax = obj.FRSOptions.rhoMax; meshdens = obj.FRSOptions.meshDens; figure; fimplicit3(frsFun,[parRange{1}(1) parRange{1}(2) parRange{2}(1) parRange{2}(2) 0 rhomax], 'MeshDensity',meshdens); xlabel('$\Omega$','FontSize',16,'Interpreter',"latex"); ylabel('$\epsilon$','FontSize',16,'Interpreter',"latex"); zlabel('$\rho$','FontSize',16,'Interpreter',"latex"); timings.fimp = toc(startfi); % fimplicit does not return patches but it is robust to generate the FRS, % from which we can tell what is a good esimation for rhomax. Then one can % set up new rhomax for isosurface plot.
plot FRS via isosurface (zero contour)
oo = linspace(parRange{1}(1), parRange{1}(2),meshdens); ee = linspace(parRange{2}(1), parRange{2}(2),meshdens); rr = linspace(0,rhomax,meshdens); [Om,Ep,Rho] = meshgrid(oo,ee,rr); VV = frsFun(Om,Ep,Rho); I = isosurface(Om,Ep,Rho,VV,0); figure; patch('Faces', I.faces, 'Vertices', I.vertices, ... 'FaceColor', [0.7 0.7 0.7], 'FaceAlpha', 0.4, 'EdgeAlpha', 0.4); view([20,50]); grid on; box on xlabel('$\Omega$','FontSize',16,'Interpreter',"latex"); ylabel('$\epsilon$','FontSize',16,'Interpreter',"latex"); zlabel('$\rho$','FontSize',16,'Interpreter',"latex"); xlim([parRange{1}(1), parRange{1}(2)]); ylim([parRange{2}(1), parRange{2}(2)]);
Map FRS from reduced coordinates to physical coordinates
solutions in reduced coordinates
rho = I.vertices(:,3); om = I.vertices(:,1); ep = I.vertices(:,2); [a,b] = frc_ab(rho,om,gammas,lambda(1)); th = atan2(b.*real(r)-a.*imag(r), -a.*real(r)-b.*imag(r)); npts = numel(rho); isnonauto = obj.Options.contribNonAuto; if isnonauto upo = [rho th om ep]; %[rho theta omega,epsilon] else upo = [rho th om]; % [rho theta omega] end nout = numel(outdof); outidx = zeros(nout,1); for k=1:nout idxk = find(outdof(k)==optdof); assert(numel(idxk)>0,'outdof is not included in optdof'); outidx(k) = idxk; end optData.outdof = outdof; optData.outidx = outidx; optData.mFreqs = 1; optData.scales = ones(2*nout+1,1); % calculate observables yout = zeros(npts,2*nout+1); for k = 1:npts uk = upo(k,:)'; [~, y] = frs_output([], optData, uk); yout(k,:) = y'; end figure; patch('Faces', I.faces, 'Vertices', [om,ep,yout(:,1)], ... 'FaceColor', [0.7 0.7 0.7], 'FaceAlpha', 0.4, 'EdgeAlpha', 0.4); view([20,50]); grid on; box on set(gca,'FontSize',12); set(gca,'LineWidth',1.2); xlabel('$\Omega$','FontSize',16,'Interpreter',"latex"); ylabel('$\epsilon$','FontSize',16,'Interpreter',"latex"); zlabel('$A_\mathrm{obj}$','FontSize',16,'Interpreter',"latex"); xlim([parRange{1}(1), parRange{1}(2)]); ylim([parRange{2}(1), parRange{2}(2)]); % plot FRS with stability colors_chart = {'magenta',[0.7 0.7 0.7]}; nfaces = size(I.faces,1); stab = false(nfaces,1); for k=1:nfaces vtx = I.faces(k,:); rhok = rho(vtx); thk = th(vtx); epk = ep(vtx); stk = check_stability(rhok,thk,gammas,lambda(1),epk,R1); stab(k) = all(stk); end figure; hold on alidx = 1:nfaces; stidx = find(stab); ustidx = setdiff(alidx,stidx); % stable part patch('Faces', I.faces(stidx,:), 'Vertices', [om,ep,yout(:,1)], ... 'FaceColor', colors_chart{2}, 'FaceAlpha', 0.4, 'EdgeAlpha', 0.2) % unstable part patch('Faces', I.faces(ustidx,:), 'Vertices', [om,ep,yout(:,1)], ... 'FaceColor', colors_chart{1}, 'FaceAlpha', 0.4, 'EdgeAlpha', 0.2) hold off view([20 50]); grid on; box on; set(gca,'FontSize',12); set(gca,'LineWidth',1.2); xlabel('$\Omega$','FontSize',16,'Interpreter',"latex"); ylabel('$\epsilon$','FontSize',16,'Interpreter',"latex"); zlabel('$A_\mathrm{obj}$','FontSize',16,'Interpreter',"latex"); xlim([parRange{1}(1), parRange{1}(2)]); ylim([parRange{2}(1), parRange{2}(2)]); fprintf('the number of faces is %i\n',nfaces); save('FRSana.mat','om','ep','rho','yout','outdof','stab','nfaces');