function [W_0i, R_0i,multi_input] = cohomological_solution(obj, i, W_0, R_0,multi_input,DStype)
This function computes the solution of the invariance equation at order i. The function computes the SSM where we solve the invariance equation
of the dynamical system
Tensor based computation
The SSM is expressed in terms of the expansion
are parameterization coordinates of the
-dimensional SSM.
The coefficients at different orders are collected in a cell array
, where
gives the coefficients at order
, i.e.
. These are obtained by solving for
in the following equation
is a diagonal (
) matrix containing the eigenvalues of the master modal subspace
. The above equation in the vectorized notation is given by
just stands for the vectorization operator in MATLAB obtained by the
switch obj.Options.notation case 'tensor'
Lambda_M = obj.E.spectrum; A = obj.System.A; % A matrix B = obj.System.B; % B matrix W_M = obj.E.adjointBasis; % Right eigenvectors of the modal subspace V_M = obj.E.basis; % Left eigenvectors of the modal subspace N = obj.dimSystem; % Full system dimensionality in first-order form F = obj.System.F; % Full system Nonlinearity coefficients at different orders m = length(Lambda_M); % dim(M): M is the master modal subspace N_i = N*m^i; % number of unknown SSM coefficients in the tensor notation at order i ref = min(abs(Lambda_M)); if ref<1e-10; ref = max(abs(Lambda_M)); end abstol = obj.Options.reltol * ref;
Assemble the coefficient matrix of SSM
We assemble it as
where each term is a kronecker product of
matrices and
occurs at the
-th location.
We can show that the diagonal matrix
non-zero elements
represents the lexicographical bijective indexing of
-tuples taking values from
and is given by the
disp(['Computing autonomous whisker at order ' num2str(i)]) combinations = combinator(m,i,'p','r'); Lambda_Mi = sum(Lambda_M(combinations),2);
Spectrum of
The matrix that needs to be inverted for solving the coefficients at
-th order is given by
Assemble RHS
since we need to compute the summation at most up to the order of
the nonlinearity in
SIZE = [N, m*ones(1,i)]; FS = sptensor(SIZE);
First term
l = min(i,length(F)); for j = 2:l % Outer for loop can be parallelized - l cores % find values for j positive numbers summing up to i P = nsumk(j,i,'positive'); FS = FS + tensor_composition(F{j},W_0,P,SIZE); end
Second term
SR = sptensor(SIZE); % R_0i = R_0(i:-1:2); % used for parfor for j = 2:i-1 % Outer for loop can be parallelized - i-1 cores P = ones(j,j) + eye(j,j); R_j = {sptensor(speye(m,m)),R_0{i+1-j}}; % R_j = {sptensor(speye(m,m)),R_0i{j}}; % used for parfor SR = SR + tensor_composition(W_0{j},R_j,P,SIZE); end if m==1 % tensor_toolbox has issues if ~isempty(FS.vals) FS = sparse(FS.subs(:,1), FS.subs(:,2), FS.vals, N_i, 1); else FS = sparse(N_i,1); end if ~isempty(SR.vals) SR = sparse(SR.subs(:,1), SR.subs(:,2), SR.vals, N_i, 1); else SR = sparse(N_i,1); end L_i = FS - B*SR; else
L_i = FS - ttm(SR,B,1);
object to sparse vector.
L_i = sptenmat(permute(L_i,[1, ndims(L_i):-1:2]), 1:ndims(L_i)); if isempty(L_i.vals) L_i = sparse(N_i,1); else L_i = sparse(L_i.subs(:,1),L_i.subs(:,2),L_i.vals,N_i,1); end L_i = reshape(L_i,N,[]);
Solving for SSM coefficients and Reduced dynamics
W_0i = zeros(N,m^i); % generally dense R_0i = sparse(m,m^i); nRes = 0; paramStyle = obj.Options.paramStyle; parfor l = 1:m^i
lambda_l = Lambda_Mi(l); C_l = lambda_l * B - A; L_il = L_i(:,l);
Checking for near-inner resonances.
J = find(abs(lambda_l - Lambda_M)<abstol); if ~isempty(J) switch paramStyle case 'normalform'
Choosing reduced dynamics using (near-)kernel of
R_0il = zeros(m,1); % for slicing use for j = J w_j = W_M(:,j); % R_0i(j,l) = w_j'*L_il; R_0il(j) = w_j'*L_il; end R_0i(:,l) = R_0il;
case 'graph' R_0i(:,l) = W_M'*L_il; end b_l = L_il - B * V_M * R_0i(:,l); else b_l = L_il; end nRes = nRes + numel(J);
Obtaining minimum-norm solution for
which performs a complete orthogonal decomposition and is better
suited for sparse matrices as opposed to the Moore-Penrose
pseudo-inverse (
). We would like to use better iterative procedures moving forward,
currently lsqlin is not suited for complex data entries.
W_0i(:,l) = solveinveq(C_l,b_l,obj.Options.solver);
end disp([num2str(nRes) ' (near) inner resonance(s) detected at order ' num2str(i)]) W_0i = reshape(sptensor(W_0i(:)), [N, m*ones(1,i)]); R_0i = reshape(sptensor(R_0i(:)), [m, m*ones(1,i)]); W_0i = permute(W_0i,[1, ndims(W_0i):-1:2]); R_0i = permute(R_0i,[1, ndims(R_0i):-1:2]);
case 'multiindex'
k = i; % order of computation N = obj.dimSystem; % Phase space dimension l = numel(obj.E.spectrum); % Manifold dimension % ################################################################ % Setup data structs for passing arguments into functions % system parameters independent of multi- index ordering sys.l = l; sys.N = N; sys.V_M = obj.E.basis; sys.W_M = obj.E.adjointBasis; sys.solver = obj.Options.solver; sys.reltol = obj.Options.reltol; sys.DStype = obj.System.Options.DStype; % data containing information about nonlinearity [NL,nl_data] = NLdata(obj); sys.nl_order = nl_data.order; sys.nl_input_dim = nl_data.nl_input_dim; % ################################################################ % ---- variables that depend on multi-index ordering ---- K = flip(sortrows(nsumk(l,k,'nonnegative')).',2); z_k = data.Z_cci(k); % number of multi_indices if strcmp(sys.DStype,'real') K = K(:,data.revlex2conj{k}(1:z_k)); % conjugate ordered set sys.revlex2conj = data.revlex2conj; % ordering of conjugate set sys.Z_cci = data.Z_cci; % conj. center index end sys.Lambda_M_vector = data.Lambda_M_vector; sys.ordering = data.ordering; sys.z_k = z_k; sys.K = K; sys.k = k; % ################################################################ % ################################################################ % Assemble the right hand side of the invarinace eq. % Mixed Terms WR = zeros(N,z_k); mix = tic; for m = 2:k-1 WR = WR - coeffs_mixed_terms(k,m,W_0,R_0,sys,'aut'); end mixtime = toc(mix); % The composition coefficients of power series if nl_data.intrusion H = data.H; % composition coefficients H_k = coeffs_composition(W_0,H,sys); H{k} = H_k; end % Nonlinearity contributions to invariance equation Fn = zeros(N,z_k); nl = tic; switch nl_data.mode case 'IntrusiveF' sys.symmetry = obj.System.F_semi_sym; % whether function handles are symmetric for n = 2:min(k,nl_data.order) if ~isempty(NL{n}) Fn = Fn + fnl_semiIntrusive(NL{n},W_0,n,K,sys); end end case 'SemiIntrusiveF' sys.symmetry = obj.System.F_semi_sym; % whether function handles are symmetric for n = 2:min(k,nl_data.order) if ~isempty(NL{n}) Fn = Fn + fnl_semiIntrusive(NL{n},W_0,n,K,sys); end end case 'NonIntrusiveF' for n = 2:3 if ~isempty(NL) Fn = Fn + fnl_nonIntrusive(NL,W_0,n,K,sys); end end end nltime = toc(nl); % saving memory if ~any(Fn) Fn = sparse(N,z_k); end if ~any(WR) WR = sparse(N,z_k); end % ################################################################ % ################################################################ % Solving invariance equation and determine reduced dynamics % ################################################################ % Computation for first order dynamical systems if strcmp(obj.Options.COMPtype,'first') A = obj.System.A; % A matrix B = obj.System.B; % B matrix RHS = B*WR + Fn; RHS = reshape(RHS,N*z_k,1); invtic = tic; [R_0i,W_0i,eqtime,rdtime] = Aut_1stOrder_SSM(RHS, sys,A,B); invtime = toc(invtic); % ################################################################# % Computation for second order dynamica lsystems else Mass = obj.System.M; Damp = obj.System.C; Stiff = obj.System.K; invtic = tic; [R_0i,W_0i,eqtime,rdtime] = Aut_2ndOrder_SSM(WR,Fn,sys,Mass,Damp,Stiff); invtime = toc(invtic); end
pass on composition coefficients
if nl_data.intrusion H_k(:,:,1) = W_0i; H{k} = H_k; data.H = H; end obj.solInfo.mixTime(i)= mixtime; obj.solInfo.invTime(i) = invtime; obj.solInfo.eqTime(i) = eqtime; obj.solInfo.nlTime(i) = nltime; obj.solInfo.rdTime(i) = rdtime;
end % estime memory consumption from all variables in the current workspace obj.solInfo.memoryEstimate(i) = monitor_memory('caller');
end function [NL,data] = NLdata(obj)
% NL - contains nonlinearity ot potential % data - contains information about NL data.intrusion = false; data.nl_input_dim = []; intr_opt = obj.System.Options.Intrusion;
Assert that valid option has been chosen for computation
assert(strcmp(intr_opt ,'semi') || strcmp(intr_opt,'none')|| strcmp(intr_opt,'full'),... 'Intrusion options are: full, none, semi') switch obj.System.Options.Intrusion case 'semi' data.mode = 'SemiIntrusiveF'; % Full system nonlinearity handles at different orders NL = obj.System.F_semi; % check input dimensionality of function handles data.nl_input_dim = obj.System.nl_input_dim; case 'none' data.mode = 'NonIntrusiveF'; % Full system nonlinearity handles at different orders NL = obj.System.F_non; % check input dimensionality of function handles data.nl_input_dim = obj.System.nl_input_dim; case 'full' data.intrusion = true; data.mode = 'IntrusiveF'; % Full system nonlinearity coefficients at different orders switch obj.System.order case 1 for j = 2:numel(obj.System.F) if ~isempty(obj.System.F{j}) && nnz(obj.System.F{j})>0 F{j} = @(input) double(ttv( obj.System.F{j},input,2:j+1)); end end case 2 for j = 1:numel(obj.System.fnl) if ~isempty(obj.System.fnl{j}) && nnz(obj.System.fnl{j})>0 F{j+1} = @(input) [-double(ttv( obj.System.fnl{j},input,2:j+2)) ; sparse(obj.System.n,1)]; end end end data.nl_input_dim = obj.System.nl_input_dim; NL = F; end data.order = numel(NL);