Coco Periodic Orbit Sweeps
function bds = coco_poSweeps(obj,epSamp,omRange,varargin)
This function performs continuation of a family of periodic orbits with varying frequency for a given set of sampling forcing amplitudes. For each amplitude the FRC is computed.
- obj: instance of DS class
- epSamp: Sampling forcing amplitudes
- omRange: continuation domain of forcing frequency
- varargin: parameter that can be used to suppress the plotting of results
- bds: bifurcation data struct that contains the information on the continuation problems that are investigated
if~isempty( varargin) plotfrc = varargin{1}; end bds = cell(1,numel(epSamp)); ii = 1; for eps = epSamp % Set current epsilon if obj.system.order == 1 obj.system.Fext.epsilon = eps; else obj.system.fext.epsilon = eps; end % Reset the initial forcing frequency obj.system.Omega = omRange(1); % Get individual FRCs bds{ii} = obj.extract_FRC( omRange,false); %dont plot frcs ii = ii +1; end % Prepare output bds = vertcat(bds{:}); if~isempty( varargin) if plotfrc Sweepplot( bds,obj.outdof); end else Sweepplot( bds,obj.outdof); end
end function Sweepplot( bds,outdof)
Plot Setting
cocosz = 5 *1.4;
Prepare COCOdata
numoutdof = numel(outdof); nSample = 1; ampNames = cell(1, numel(numoutdof)); for k = 1:numel(outdof) ampNames{k} = strcat('amp',num2str(outdof(k))); end omegacc = []; epsfcc = []; stabcc = logical([]); amp = cell(numoutdof,1); for k=1:numel(bds) bd = bds{k}; omegai = coco_bd_col(bd, 'omega'); epsfi = coco_bd_col(bd, 'eps'); stabi = coco_bd_col(bd, 'eigs')'; stabi = abs(stabi); stabi = all(stabi<1, 2); omegacc = [omegacc, omegai]; epsfcc = [epsfcc, epsfi]; stabcc = [stabcc; stabi]; for j=1:numoutdof ampj = coco_bd_col(bd, ampNames{j}); amp{j} = [amp{j}, ampj]; end end figure(gcf) hold on if numoutdof > 1 for i=1:numoutdof
subplot(numoutdof,1,i); hold on
Coco Plot
om = omegacc(~stabcc); am = amp{i}(~stabcc);eps = epsfcc(~stabcc); plot3(om(1:nSample:end), eps(1:nSample:end),am(1:nSample:end), 'c*', 'MarkerSize', cocosz,'DisplayName','collocation - unstable')%, 'color',[0.9294 0.6941 0.1255] ); om = omegacc(stabcc); am = amp{i}(stabcc); eps = epsfcc(stabcc); plot3(om(1:nSample:end), eps(1:nSample:end),am(1:nSample:end), 'g*','MarkerSize', cocosz,'DisplayName','collocation - stable')%,'color',[0 0 0] );
end else om = omegacc(~stabcc); am = amp{1}(~stabcc);eps = epsfcc(~stabcc); plot3(om(1:nSample:end), eps(1:nSample:end),am(1:nSample:end), 'c*', 'MarkerSize', cocosz,'DisplayName','collocation - unstable')%, 'color',[0.9294 0.6941 0.1255] ); om = omegacc(stabcc); am = amp{1}(stabcc); eps = epsfcc(stabcc); plot3(om(1:nSample:end), eps(1:nSample:end),am(1:nSample:end), 'g*','MarkerSize', cocosz,'DisplayName','collocation - stable')%,'color',[0 0 0] ); end %%Labels and Legend % %legend(Leg{2:end}, 'Interpreter','latex','Location','best'); %xlabel('$\Omega$','interpreter','latex','FontSize',16); %ylabel('$\mu$','interpreter','latex','FontSize',16); %zk = strcat('$||z_{',num2str(outdof(i)),'}||_{\infty}$'); %zlabel(zk,'Interpreter','latex'); %%Parameters for figure size, label size, legend size %set(gca,'fontsize',axis_size) %%Size of window %set(gcf, 'Position', [0 0 xwidth ywidth]) %grid on, axis tight;legend boxoff; %view([-1,-1,1]);