Time derivative of 2mD reduced dynamics

Time derivative of 2mD reduced dynamics


function J = ode_2mDSSM_cartesian_DFDX(z, p, data)


This function presents vectorized implementation of the Jacobian of the vector field of the reduced dynamics on 2m-dimensional SSMs with respect to state z. Here z is a 2m-dimensinoal state vector and p is parameter vector for excitation frequency and amplitude. All other info such as eigenvalues of master subspace, coefficients of nonlinear terms is included in the structure data. The state vector here is in the form of polar coordinate.


% extract data fields
beta   = data.beta;
kappa  = data.kappa;
lamdRe = data.lamdRe;
lamdIm = data.lamdIm;
mFreqs = data.mFreqs;
iNonauto = data.iNonauto;
rNonauto = data.rNonauto;

% rename state and parameter
zRe  = z(1:2:end-1,:);
zIm  = z(2:2:end,:);
om   = p(1,:);
epsf = p(2,:);
zcomp = zRe+1i*zIm; % qs in formulation
zconj = conj(zcomp);
zcomp(zcomp==0) = eps; % to handle 0/0 later
zconj(zconj==0) = eps;

m  = numel(mFreqs);
nt = numel(om);
J  = zeros(2*m,2*m,nt);
% autonomous part

% autonomous linear part
mom = mFreqs(:).*om;
yRe = lamdRe.*zRe-lamdIm.*zIm+zIm.*mom;
yIm = lamdRe.*zIm+lamdIm.*zRe-zRe.*mom;

% autonomous nonlinear part
m  = numel(mFreqs);
for i=1:m
    % linear part
    J(2*i-1,2*i-1,:) = lamdRe(i);
    J(2*i-1,2*i,:)   = mFreqs(i)*om-lamdIm(i);
    J(2*i,2*i-1,:)   = lamdIm(i)-mFreqs(i)*om;
    J(2*i,2*i,:)     = lamdRe(i);
    % nonlinear part
    kappai = kappa{i};
    kappai = full(kappai);
    betai  = beta{i};
    nka = size(kappai,1);
    nbe = numel(betai);
    assert(nka==nbe, 'Size of kappa%d and beta%d does not match',i,i);
    for k=1:nka
        ka = kappai(k,:);
        be = betai(k);
        l = ka(1:2:end-1)';
        j = ka(2:2:end)';
        zk = be*prod(zcomp.^l.*zconj.^j,1);
        dz1 = l./zcomp+j./zconj;
        dz2 = l./zcomp-j./zconj;
        % df_qR/dqR
        J(2*i-1,1:2:end-1,:) = J(2*i-1,1:2:end-1,:)+reshape(real(dz1.*zk),[1,m,nt]);
        % df_qR/dqI
        J(2*i-1,2:2:end,:)   = J(2*i-1,2:2:end,:)+reshape(real(1j*dz2.*zk),[1,m,nt]);
        % df_qI/dqR
        J(2*i,1:2:end-1,:)   = J(2*i,1:2:end-1,:)+reshape(imag(dz1.*zk),[1,m,nt]);
        % df_qI/dqI
        J(2*i,2:2:end,:)     = J(2*i,2:2:end,:)+reshape(imag(1j*dz2.*zk),[1,m,nt]);

% nonautonomous leading part - no contributions to Jacobian
% func = @(z,p) ode_2mDSSM_cartesian(z,p,data);
% JJ = coco_ezDFDX('f(x,p)v',func,z,p);
% ers = max(abs(J(:)-JJ(:)))