Nonautnonomous force and nonlinearity terms
function [FGs] = nonAut_Fext_plus_Fnl(NL,FEXT,data,k,W0,W1,nKappas)
This function computes the contribution to higher order non-autonomous cohomological equations of the nonlinear internal forces and the possibly linear or nonlinear external excitation.
[FGs] = NONAUT_FEXT_PLUS_FNL(NL,FEXT,data,k,W0,W1,nKappas)
- NL: information about the internal forces, either in tensor form or as function handle
- FEXT: struct array containing the external forcing
- data: data struct containing necessary information for computation
- k: current order of SSM computation
- W0: autonomous SSM coefficients
- W1: non-autonomous SSM coefficients
- nKappas: number of harmonics in forcing
- FGs: internal and external forces composed with SSM coefficients for all harmonics.
z_k = nchoosek(k+data.l-1,data.l-1); FGs = repmat(struct('val' ,[]),nKappas, 1); Force = repmat(struct('val' ,sparse(data.N,z_k)),nKappas, 1); DF = repmat(struct('val' ,sparse(data.N,z_k)),nKappas, 1); if data.l > 1 K = flip(sortrows(nsumk(data.l,k,'nonnegative')).',2); %order k multi-indices else K = k; end
Assemble linear & nonlinear terms
for n = 2:k+1 % FORCING %sum to k+1 since index starts at 0 for k=0 for i = 1:nKappas if n <= data.Fext_ord(i) && ~isempty( F_coeff =; F_ind ='; Force(i).val = Force(i).val + F_coeff * fnl_intrusive(F_ind,K, data); %fnl_intrusive computes composition end end switch data.mode case 'SemiIntrusiveF' if n <= data.nl_ord && ~isempty(NL{n}) DFi = dfnl_semiIntrusive(NL{n},n,W0,W1,K,data,nKappas); for i = 1:nKappas DF(i).val = DF(i).val + DFi(i).val ; end end case 'IntrusiveF' if n <= data.nl_ord && ~isempty(NL{n}) DFi = dfnl_semiIntrusive(NL{n},n,W0,W1,K,data,nKappas); for i = 1:nKappas DF(i).val = DF(i).val + DFi(i).val ; end end case 'NonIntrusiveF' if n <= data.nl_ord && ~isempty(NL) DFi = dfnl_nonIntrusive(NL,n,W0,W1,K,data,nKappas); for i = 1:nKappas DF(i).val = DF(i).val + DFi(i).val ; end end end end for i = 1:nKappas FGs(i).val = Force(i).val + DF(i).val; end