FRC: Continuation of Periodic Orbits
- FRC_cont_po
- SSM computation of autonomous part
- SSM computation of nonautonomous part
- Construct COCO-compatible vector field and Jacobians
- initial solution by forward simulation
- Build continuation problem
- Monitor function for full system response
- Start continuation
- FRC in physical domain
- Continue secondary branches if there are any
- Prepare output
- Fix response period
- Monitor function for full system response
- Start continuation
- Reconstruct orbit
- Get full response
- Take the norm of the solution
function varargout = FRC_cont_po(obj,oid,resModes,order,parRange)
This function performs continuation of periodic orbits of the reduced dynamics with respect to the forcing frequency for 2 dimensional SSMs.
: runid of continuation
: master subspace
: expansion order of SSM
: continuation domain of parameter, which
should be near the value of natural frequency or around 2:1
resonance of it
: cell array that contains FRC struct
% get options [nt,nCycle,sampStyle,outdof,saveIC,coordinates,periodsRatio,p0,z0] = ... deal(obj.FRCOptions.nt, obj.FRCOptions.nCycle, obj.FRCOptions.sampStyle, ... obj.FRCOptions.outdof, obj.FRCOptions.saveIC, obj.FRCOptions.coordinates, ... obj.FRCOptions.periodsRatio, obj.FRCOptions.p0, obj.FRCOptions.z0); % Check if method is applicable dimModes = numel(resModes); assert(dimModes==2,'continuation_po method for FRC extraction is implemented only for 2-dimensional SSMs. Please use the continuation method')
SSM computation of autonomous part
obj.choose_E(resModes) [W,R] = obj.compute_whisker(order);
SSM computation of nonautonomous part
if isempty(p0) obj.System.Omega = parRange(1); else obj.System.Omega = p0(1); end
Construct COCO-compatible vector field and Jacobians
ispolar = strcmp(coordinates, 'polar'); if ispolar error('ODE in polar coordinates not implemented for method continuation po, please change to cartesian') else if obj.FRCOptions.omDepNonAuto % Assume strong dependence of coefficients on Omega fdata = struct('order', order,'R',R,'W',W); odefun = @(t,x,p) ode_2DSSM_cartesian(t,x,p,fdata,obj); odefun_dx = @(t,x,p) ode_2DSSM_cartesian_DFDX(t,x,p,fdata,obj); odefun_dp = @(t,x,p) ode_2DSSM_cartesian_DFDP(t,x,p,fdata,obj); else % Compute Reduced dynamics and sensitivity coefficients obj.System.Omega = obj.FRCOptions.omDepNonAutoVal; [X, S] = obj.compute_perturbed_whisker(order-1,W,R); % [~,DS] = obj.compute_sensitivity_coefficients(order-1,W,R,X); fdata = struct('order', order,'R',R,'S',S); %,'DS',DS); odefun = @(t,x,p) ode_2DSSM_cartesian_fixROM(t,x,p,fdata); odefun_dx = @(t,x,p) ode_2DSSM_cartesian_fixROM_DFDX(t,x,p,fdata); odefun_dp = @(t,x,p) ode_2DSSM_cartesian_fixROM_DFDP(t,x,p,fdata,obj.Options.contribNonAuto); end funcs = {odefun,odefun_dx,odefun_dp}; end
initial solution by forward simulation
ode45 is used here. Integration option may be added in future
if isempty(p0) p0 = [parRange(1); obj.System.Fext.epsilon]; end if isempty(z0) if ispolar z0 = 0.1*ones(2,1); else z0 = zeros(2,1); end end % construct initial guess periodic orbit [z0,t0] = get_initial_sol(z0,p0,odefun,nCycle,obj.System.Omega,ispolar,periodsRatio);
Build continuation problem
setup coco
prob = coco_prob(); prob = cocoSet(obj.contOptions, prob); %set default options prob = coco_set(prob, 'ode', 'autonomous', false); prob = coco_set(prob, 'ode', 'vectorized', false); coll_args = {funcs{:}, t0, z0, {'om','eps'}, p0}; %#ok<CCAT> prob = ode_isol2po(prob, '', coll_args{:}); % store floquet multipliers in bd prob = po_mult_add(prob,'po.orb'); % Fix response period [data, uidx] = coco_get_func_data(prob, 'po.orb.coll', 'data', 'uidx'); maps = data.coll_seg.maps; glueperiod = @(prob, data, u) deal(data,u(1,:) - periodsRatio* (2*pi / u(2,:))); glueperiod_du = @(prob, data, u) deal(data,[1, periodsRatio*(2*pi) / (u(2)^2)]); prob = coco_add_func(prob, 'OmegaT', glueperiod,glueperiod_du, [],'zero',... 'uidx', [uidx(maps.T_idx), uidx(maps.p_idx(1))]);
Monitor function for full system response
Convert reduced results to full while continuing to avoid overhead of SSM computations
ampData = struct('W',W,'nt',nt,'outdof',outdof,'saveIC',saveIC); numoutdof = numel(outdof); % Set up problem to either save IC of every p.o. or not. ampNames = cell(1, numoutdof+1); ampNames{end} = 'Znorm'; for k = 1:numoutdof ampNames{k} = strcat('amp',num2str(outdof(k))); end ampfunc = @(prob,data,u) full_amplitude(prob,data,u,obj); prob = coco_add_func(prob, 'amp', ampfunc, ampData, 'regular', ampNames,... 'uidx', uidx([maps.x0_idx, maps.p_idx])); % monitor function for saving the initial condition if saveIC prob = coco_add_slot(prob, 'x0tobd', @init_cond, data, 'bddat'); end
Start continuation
cont_args = {[{'om'},{'po.period'},ampNames(:)'],parRange}; % Release parameters for continuation runid = coco_get_id(oid, 'po'); fprintf('\n Run=''%s'': Continue primary family of periodic orbits.\n', ... runid); bd = coco(prob, runid, [], cont_args{:});
FRC in physical domain
extract data from bifurcation data of primary branch
FRC{1} = po_full_results(runid,sampStyle,ispolar,ampNames,saveIC,'primary',[],'plot-off');
Continue secondary branches if there are any
if obj.FRCOptions.branchSwitch labs = coco_bd_labs(bd, 'BP'); ampCell = {ampData,ampNames,ampfunc}; periodCell = {glueperiod,glueperiod_du}; ii = 2; for i = 1:numel(labs) lab = labs(i); runid_i = strcat(runid,'_BP_',num2str(i)); % Continue branchpoint continuation_BP(runid,runid_i,lab,obj.contOptions,cont_args,periodCell,ampCell, saveIC); % Add data of secondary branches to the FRC struct FRC{ii} = po_full_results(runid_i,sampStyle,ispolar,ampNames,saveIC,'primary'); ii = ii +1; end end
Prepare output
FRCinfo = struct(); FRCinfo.SSMorder = order; FRCinfo.SSMnonAuto = obj.Options.contribNonAuto; FRCinfo.SSMispolar = ispolar; % convert results to cell array varargout{1} = FRC; fdir = [pwd,'\data\',runid,'\SSMep.mat']; save(fdir, 'FRC','FRCinfo');
end function [] = continuation_BP(prim_runid,runid,lab,contOptions,cont_args,periodCell,ampCell, saveIC)
% Continues family of periodic orbits that emerges from a branch point % setup coco prob = coco_prob(); prob = cocoSet(contOptions, prob); %set default options prob = coco_set(prob, 'ode', 'autonomous', false); prob = coco_set(prob, 'ode', 'vectorized', false); % Continue from branch point prob = ode_BP2po(prob, '', prim_runid, lab); % store floquet multipliers in bd prob = po_mult_add(prob,'po.orb');
Fix response period
[data, uidx] = coco_get_func_data(prob, 'po.orb.coll', 'data', 'uidx'); maps = data.coll_seg.maps; [glueperiod,glueperiod_du] = deal(periodCell{:}); prob = coco_add_func(prob, 'OmegaT', glueperiod,glueperiod_du, [],'zero',... 'uidx', [uidx(maps.T_idx), uidx(maps.p_idx(1))]);
Monitor function for full system response
Convert reduced results to full while continuing to avoid overhead of SSM computations
[ampData,ampNames,ampfunc] = deal(ampCell{:}); prob = coco_add_func(prob, 'amp', ampfunc, ampData, 'regular', ampNames,... 'uidx', uidx([maps.x0_idx, maps.p_idx])); % monitor function for saving the initial condition if saveIC prob = coco_add_slot(prob, 'x0tobd', @init_cond, data, 'bddat'); end
Start continuation
fprintf('\n Run=''%s'': Continue secondary branch of periodic orbits in ''%s'' .\n', ... runid,prim_runid); coco(prob, runid, [], cont_args{:});
end function [data, y] = full_amplitude(~, data, u,obj)
% Saves the full steady state response
outdof = data.outdof;
x0 = u(1:2);
state = x0(1)+1j*x0(2);
eps = u(end);
Reconstruct orbit
phi = linspace(0,2*pi,data.nt);
%reduced coordinate
orb = transpose(state).*exp(1i*phi);
red = [orb;conj(orb)];
Get full response
[z] = reduced_to_full(red,data.W,obj.W_1,eps); % Save IC of full system in data if data.saveIC data.IC = z(:,1); end
Take the norm of the solution
Znorm = norm(z,'fro')/sqrt(data.nt-1); % at outdofs Aout = []; for k=1:numel(outdof) amp = norm(z(outdof(k),:),'inf'); Aout = [Aout amp]; end y = [Aout,Znorm].';
end function [z0,t0] = get_initial_sol(z0,p0,odefun_in,nCycle,Omega,ispolar,periodsRatio) T0 = periodsRatio*2*pi/Omega; tf = nCycle*T0; odefun = @(t,x) odefun_in (t,x,p0); [~, z0_po] = ode15s(odefun , [0 tf], z0); % transient options = odeset('RelTol', 1e-9, 'AbsTol',1e-9); [t0, z0] = ode45(odefun, [0 T0], z0_po(end,:)', options); % steady state %regularize solutions if polar if ispolar error('polar not implemented') end end function FRCy = array2structArray(FRCx) om =; ep = FRCx.ep; st =; SNidx = FRCx.SNidx; PDidx = FRCx.PDidx; TRidx = FRCx.TRidx; BPidx = FRCx.BPidx; Aout = FRCx.Aout_frc; Zout = FRCx.Zout_frc; Znorm = FRCx.Znorm_frc; Zic = FRCx.Z0_frc; saveIC = ~isempty(Zic); numPts = numel(om); FRCy = cell(numPts,1); for i=1:numPts FRC = struct( 'stability', st(i), 'Omega', om(i) ,... 'epsilon', ep(i), 'Aout', Aout(i,:), 'Zout', [],... 'Znorm', Znorm(i), 'Zic', [], 'isSN', false,'isPD',false,'isTR',false,'isBP',false); if saveIC FRC.Zic = Zic(i,:); end if ismember(i,SNidx) FRC.isSN = true; end if ismember(i,PDidx) FRC.isPD = true; end if ismember(i,TRidx) FRC.isTR = true; end if ismember(i,BPidx) FRC.isBP = true; end FRCy{i} = FRC; end FRCy = cat(1,FRCy{:}); end function [data, res] = init_cond(prob, data, command, varargin) %init_cond Append initial condition to BD. res = {}; switch command case 'init' res = 'IC'; case 'data' [fdata] = coco_get_func_data(prob, 'amp','data'); res = fdata.IC; end end