function [pis] = fnl_intrusive(n_mat,k_mat, data)
This function computes the nonlinear contributions to the invariance
equation for multi indices in set K, given a intrusive tensor fnl.
Computes pi_n_k for every combination of multi-indices in the two
input matrices Multi index arrays n_mat and k_mat need to contain
multi indices of same order n
resepectively. The pi's are the forcing contribution
coefficients as given in Computing SSMs using multi indices -
autonomous which can be found in the Documentation.
[pis] = FNL_INTRUSIVE(n_mat,k_mat, field)
- n_mat: multi indices of function which is being composed with parametrisation
- k_mat: multi-indices which characterise the parametrisation
- data: data struct containing necessary information for computation
- pis: composed forcing contributions for the combination of input multi-indices
n_pos_idx = any(n_mat); k_pos_idx = any(k_mat); % No calculations for zero multi-indices needed n_zero_idx = find(~n_pos_idx); k_zero_idx = find(~k_pos_idx); switch data.ordering case 'revlex' pis_pos = pi_nk(n_mat(:,n_pos_idx),k_mat(:,k_pos_idx), data); case 'conjugate' %Needs all multi-indices in n_mat and k_mat to have same order pis_pos = pi_nk_conj(n_mat(:,n_pos_idx),k_mat(:,k_pos_idx),data); end
Read results into output array
%insert zero columns if ~isempty(k_zero_idx) pis_cols = zeros(size(pis_pos,1),size(k_mat,2)); pis_cols(:,k_pos_idx) = pis_pos; else pis_cols = pis_pos; end %insert zero rows if ~isempty(n_zero_idx) pis = zeros(size(n_mat,2),size(k_mat,2)); pis(n_pos_idx,:) = pis_cols; else pis = pis_cols; end
Special case
fill pis with ones where k and n_mat both have a zero multiindex
for n_i = n_zero_idx for k_i = k_zero_idx pis(n_i,k_i) = 1; end end
end function [pis] = pi_nk(n_mat,K,data)
assert(nnz(n_mat<0)==0,'Negative multiindices') % Conjugate center index at all orders, for % imaginary system this is empty since then no symmetry is % inherent and we only need the number of multi-indices that % exist at order k, given by nchoosek(k+l-1,l-1) l = size(K,1); % SSM dimension z_k = size(K,2); % Phase space dimension N = data.N; % nonzero entries in the multi-index array F_multi_pos = (n_mat ~= 0); sz = size(n_mat,2); col_pos = 1:sz;
Initialise space for the .
pis = zeros(size(col_pos,2),z_k);
The array is a row vector containing in each row the number of nonzero entries of the multi-index the row corresponds to. This is useful, since for any nonzero . Therefore for each in we only have to find the composition coefficients corresponding to the nonzero entries of . Furthermore then condition 1 looks like . For each and all such combinations have to be found.
sz_pos = sum(F_multi_pos,1);
This function computes all those combinations for all order multi-indices and all . It does so by considering unique numbers in and using them as the number of multi-indices that have to sum up to for all .
is a cell array, that contains in its first dimension the combinations for all and its second dimension corresponds to unique numbers in . They are stored in . For each entry in the corresponding entry in gives the column that it corresponds to in .
contains a 3 dimensional array. The first dimension has size , the second hase size . Its third dimension has size .
This array contains in every matrix a set that fulfills condition 1 for that is stored in . Each set consists of elements.
contains the amount of combinations that exist for every tuple .
[h, combnos,sz_un,sz_un_ic] = multi_nsumk(sz_pos,K); %stores the order of all the multi-indices in h h_abs = cellfun(@(x) reshape(sum(x,1),size(x,2),[]), h, 'UniformOutput',false); %loop over all the order k multi-indices with index below center %index in conjugate ordering for f = 1:z_k %loop over unique amounts of nonzero entries in the %multi-indices m for i = 1:size(sz_un,2)
%position of multi-indices in F_multi that have sz_un(i) nonzero entries idx = sz_un_ic == i; %number of multi-indices in F_multi that have i nonzero entries sumidx = sum(idx); if sz_un(i) == 0 if nnz(K(:,f)) == 0 pis(idx,f) = ones(sumidx,1); end continue end %columns of Fm that contain i nonzero elements n_idx = n_mat(:,idx.'); n_idx_find = find(n_idx); [n_idx_row,~] = ind2sub(size(n_idx),n_idx_find);
contains the entries of that correspond to the multi-indices that have nonzero elements. It is therefore a by 1 array.
n_idx_pos = n_idx(n_idx_find);
This step checks where condition 2 is fulfilled. contains a by dimensionaly array. In every column it contains the absolute values of all multi_indices of one combination that fulfills condition 1 for and contains elements. Condition 2 is checked simultaneously for all of order that contain nonzero entries.
And therefore if the size multi indices that have nonzero elements are , and we define as the size multi-index containing the nonzero elements of ,then condition 2 is checked.
Cond_dum = repmat(h_abs{f,i},sumidx,1) >= full(n_idx_pos);
Now we would like to check which combinations fulfill condition 2 for all of their elements. This corresponds to columns of where all elements are one. So summing over the rows only the columns that have as their entry correspond to valid combinations that fulfill condition 2to for , and this has to be done for .
To do this we transpose and permute the first two dimensions. Furthermore, now a third dimension is added which each corresponds to one .
%reshape, such that every slice of 3rd dim corresponds to %conditions for one m, first dimension Cond_dum = reshape(Cond_dum.',[],sz_un(i),sumidx); %permute, every column now contains conds for one combo of %h_is, sum all those cond values, if they are all one in a %column, they contribute. Cond_dum = sum(permute( Cond_dum,[2,1,3]),1);
Now a slice of the third dimension looks like . The sum over the rows reveals which combos contribute. The resulting vector is recast, such that every column corresponds to one and the rows correspond to the combinations that fulfill condition 1. The ones that also fulfill condition 2 are logical ones, the others are zero.
%check if every vector of a combo fulfills cond, if not %discard it Cond = sparse(reshape(Cond_dum == full(sz_un(i)),combnos(f,i),[] )); if nnz(Cond)==0 continue end
The array indices reads out the index of the valid combinations. Specifically if the different combinations are numbered with numbers 1 to , then it assigns every valid combination the number it corresponds to.
%contains indices to read out the ones fulfilling cond2 %from h indices = repmat([1:combnos(f,i)].',1,sumidx); Cond_ind = indices(Cond);
Consequently all valid combinations of multi-indices are explicitly read out into a array that contains all of the multi-indices in its second dimension. All valid combinations for are in it as a sequence, followed by all valid combinations for and so forth.
%All combos in first dim. each combo has nns(ind) %contributions - to get back, reshape to l, nns(ind), [] h_i = reshape( h{f,i}(:,:,reshape(Cond_ind,[],1)) ,l,[]);
In order to read out the composition coefficients corresponding to all those multi-indices we have to know their position in a set of reverse lexicographical ordering of all multi-indices of their respective order and size. In order to do this efficient, unique multi-indices are extracted from , and their position is calculated, in either conjugate ordering (real system) or in reverse lex. ordering (non real system). Then the subindices of all multi-indices are stored in the array .
[Cond_ind_un,~,Cond_ind_idx] = unique(Cond_ind); h_i_combo = reshape(h{f,i}(:,:,Cond_ind_un),l,[]); % Unique multi-indices that appear in these unique combinations % h_i_combo_ic denotes position of the unique multi-idcs in the array of % multi-idcs of unique combinations given by h_i_combo [h_i_un,~,h_i_combo_ic] = unique(h_i_combo.','rows'); % Index of multi-idcs in the unique multi-idcs h_i_idx_tmp = multi_index_2_ordering(h_i_un.','revlex',[]); % Index of multi-idcs in the array of unique multi-idx combinations % h_i_combo h_i_combo_idx = h_i_idx_tmp(h_i_combo_ic); % Reshape array of Index such that each row corresponds to all positions in % one combination h_i_combo_idx = reshape(h_i_combo_idx, i ,[]); % Map the Index combinations to full set of non-unique combinations h_i_idx = reshape(h_i_combo_idx(:,Cond_ind_idx),1,[]); % Map unique multi-indices back to full multi-idcs h_i_ic = reshape(h_i_combo_ic,i,[]); h_i_ic = reshape(h_i_ic(:,Cond_ind_idx),[],1);
To read out the composition coefficients at the right order the absolute values of the multi-indices also has to be known. They are stored in .
if l > 1 h_i_abs = sum(h_i_un.'); else h_i_abs = h_i_un.'; end [h_i_abs_un,~,h_i_abs_ic] = unique(h_i_abs);
contains the positions of the nonzero elements of all the multi-indices in column . Then each column is replicated by the amount of combinations that fulfill both condition 1 and condition 2, which is given by , since contains in column and row logical indices that indicate wheter combination fulfills both conditions for . That is then reshaped, such that the entry in contains the index of the composition coefficient that the multi-index in position in corresponds to.
%contains the row index for all of the valid combos for %all ms in the same ordering as in HV list_1_tmp = reshape(n_idx_row,sz_un(i),[]); list_1 = reshape(repelem(list_1_tmp,1,sum(Cond,1)),1,[] );
The same thing is done for the entries (not the positions) of all the multi-indices . The entry in contains the value of the composition coefficient that the multi-index in position in corresponds to.
%contains the entries of m for the valid combos for %all ms in the same ordering as in HV list_2_tmp = reshape(n_idx_pos,sz_un(i),[]); list_2 = reshape(repelem(list_2_tmp,1,sum(Cond,1)),1,[]);
What is left now is to multiply and add the indices accordingly to get the right force contribution. Firstly all the composition coefficients are ready out into .
pi_dum = ones(size(h_i,2),1);
run_ord = 1;
for ord = h_i_abs_un
The logical index contains the positions of all multi-indices in that have order . The explicit positions of them are stored in .
idx_dum = 1:size(h_i_abs_ic.',2); idx_dum = idx_dum(h_i_abs_ic.' == run_ord); idx_dum = (h_i_ic == idx_dum); idx_dum = sum(idx_dum,2); I_ord = logical(idx_dum);
The values corresponding to those multi_indices of order are read out of the arrays that specify the position of the composition coefficients for each of the multi-indices, being the phase space direction they correspond to, the multi-index subindex in the reverse lexicographically ordered set they have and the multi-index entry of the multi-index they correspond to.
I_1 = list_1(I_ord); I_2 = h_i_idx(I_ord); I_3 = list_2(I_ord);
In order to make use of the symmetry of the SSM-coefficients, all the multi-indices that in conjugate ordering have subindex bigger than the conjugate center index are changed to their conjugate counterpart, and for them then conjugate composition coefficients corresponding to this conjugate multi-index are read out.
z_ord = nchoosek(ord+l-1,l-1); %split in the two index parts about conjugate %center index at order ord lin_idx = sub2ind([N,z_ord,ord],I_1,I_2,I_3); pi_dum(I_ord) = data.H{ord}(lin_idx); run_ord = run_ord +1;
The following step multiplies all composition coefficients that correspond to one combination of multi-indices fulfilling condition 1 and 2.
pi_dum = prod(reshape(pi_dum, sz_un(i),[]),1);
Next all the values of corresponding to the same multi-index have to be added. This is done by creating an array that contains for each entry in the index of the size multi-index it corresponds to. Using the values that correspond to the same index are added up and then stored in the array that contains all the composition terms.
%sum over combos and put into position list_3 = repelem([1:sumidx].',sum(Cond,1)); % Indices to read out the contributions into correct position n_contrib = sum(Cond,1)>0; idx_pos = find(idx); accum_pi = accumarray(reshape(list_3,[],1),pi_dum); pis(idx_pos(n_contrib),f) = accum_pi(find(n_contrib));
end end
end function [pis] = pi_nk_conj(F_multi,K,data)
% Conjugate center index at all orders, for % imaginary system this is empty since then no symmetry is % inherent and we only need the number of multi-indices that % exist at order k, given by nchoosek(k+l-1,l-1) k = sum(K(:,1),1); % Order of computation Z_cci = data.Z_cci; z_k = Z_cci(k); l = size(K,1); % SSM dimension % Phase space dimension N = data.N; % if system is not real, then full set of order k multi-indices in reverse lex. ordering revlex2conj = data.revlex2conj; % Set to convert indices from rev. lex. to conjugate ordering % nonzero entries in the multi-index array F_multi_pos = (F_multi ~= 0); sz = size(F_multi,2); col_pos = 1:sz;
Initialise space for the .
pis = zeros(size(col_pos,2),z_k);
The array is a row vector containing in each row the number of nonzero entries of the multi-index the row corresponds to. This is useful, since for any nonzero . Therefore for each in we only have to find the composition coefficients corresponding to the nonzero entries of . Furthermore then condition 1 looks like . For each and all such combinations have to be found.
sz_pos = sum(F_multi_pos,1);
This function computes all those combinations for all order multi-indices and all . It does so by considering unique numbers in and using them as the number of multi-indices that have to sum up to for all .
is a cell array, that contains in its first dimension the combinations for all and its second dimension corresponds to unique numbers in . They are stored in . For each entry in the corresponding entry in gives the column that it corresponds to in .
contains a 3 dimensional array. The first dimension has size , the second hase size . Its third dimension has size .
This array contains in every matrix a set that fulfills condition 1 for that is stored in . Each set consists of elements.
contains the amount of combinations that exist for every tuple .
[h, combnos,sz_un,sz_un_ic] = multi_nsumk(sz_pos,K,'remove_trivial_idcs'); %stores the order of all the multi-indices in h h_abs = cellfun(@(x) reshape(sum(x,1),size(x,2),[]), h, 'UniformOutput',false); %loop over all the order k multi-indices with index below center %index in conjugate ordering for f = 1:z_k %loop over unique amounts of nonzero entries in the %multi-indices m for i = 1:size(sz_un,2)
%position of multi-indices in F_multi that have sz_un(i) nonzero entries idx = sz_un_ic == i; %number of multi-indices in F_multi that have i nonzero entries sumidx = sum(idx); %columns of Fm that contain i nonzero elements Fm_idx = F_multi(:,idx.'); Fm_idx_find = find(Fm_idx); [Fm_idx_row,~] = ind2sub(size(Fm_idx),Fm_idx_find);
contains the entries of that correspond to the multi-indices that have nonzero elements. It is therefore a by 1 array.
Fm_idx_pos = Fm_idx(Fm_idx_find);
This step checks where condition 2 is fulfilled. contains a by dimensionaly array. In every column it contains the absolute values of all multi_indices of one combination that fulfills condition 1 for and contains elements. Condition 2 is checked simultaneously for all of order that contain nonzero entries.
And therefore if the size multi indices that have nonzero elements are , and we define as the size multi-index containing the nonzero elements of ,then condition 2 is
Cond_dum = repmat(h_abs{f,i},sumidx,1) >= full(Fm_idx_pos);
Now we would like to check which combinations fulfill condition 2 for all of their elements. This corresponds to columns of where all elements are one. So summing over the rows only the columns that have as their entry correspond to valid combinations that fulfill condition 2to for , and this has to be done for .
To do this we transpose and permute the first two dimensions. Furthermore, now a third dimension is added which each corresponds to one .
%reshape, such that every slice of 3rd dim corresponds to %conditions for one m, first dimension Cond_dum = reshape(Cond_dum.',[],sz_un(i),sumidx); %permute, every column now contains conds for one combo of %h_is, sum all those cond values, if they are all one in a %column, they contribute. Cond_dum = sum(permute( Cond_dum,[2,1,3]),1);
Now a slice of the third dimension looks like . The sum over the rows reveals which combos contribute. The resulting vector is recast, such that every column corresponds to one and the rows correspond to the combinations that fulfill condition 1. The ones that also fulfill condition 2 are logical ones, the others are zero.
%check if every vector of a combo fulfills cond, if not %discard it Cond = reshape(Cond_dum == full(sz_un(i)),combnos(f,i),[] ); if nnz(Cond) == 0 continue end
The array indices reads out the index of the valid combinations. Specifically if the different combinations are numbered with numbers 1 to , then it assigns every valid combination the number it corresponds to.
%contains indices to read out the ones fulfilling cond2 %from h indices = repmat([1:combnos(f,i)].',1,sumidx); Cond_ind = indices(Cond);
Consequently all valid combinations of multi-indices are explicitly read out into a array that contains all of the multi-indices in its second dimension. All valid combinations for are in it as a sequence, followed by all valid combinations for and so forth.
%All combos in first dim. each combo has nns(ind) %contributions - to get back, reshape to l, nns(ind), [] h_i = reshape( h{f,i}(:,:,reshape(Cond_ind,[],1)) ,l,[]);
In order to read out the composition coefficients corresponding to all those multi-indices we have to know their position in a set of reverse lexicographical ordering of all multi-indices of their respective order and size. In order to do this efficient, unique multi-indices are extracted from , and their position is calculated, in either conjugate ordering (real system) or in reverse lex. ordering (non real system). Then the subindices of all multi-indices are stored in the array . Unique combinations which fulfill the condition
[Cond_ind_un,~,Cond_ind_idx] = unique(Cond_ind); h_i_combo = reshape(h{f,i}(:,:,Cond_ind_un),l,[]); % Unique multi-indices that appear in these unique combinations % h_i_combo_ic denotes position of the unique multi-idcs in the array of % multi-idcs of unique combinations given by h_i_combo [h_i_un,~,h_i_combo_ic] = unique(h_i_combo.','rows'); % Index of multi-idcs in the unique multi-idcs h_i_idx_tmp = multi_index_2_ordering(h_i_un.',data.ordering,revlex2conj); % Index of multi-idcs in the array of unique multi-idx combinations % h_i_combo h_i_combo_idx = h_i_idx_tmp(h_i_combo_ic); % Reshape array of Index such that each row corresponds to all positions in % one combination h_i_combo_idx = reshape(h_i_combo_idx, i ,[]); % Map the Index combinations to full set of non-unique combinations h_i_idx = reshape(h_i_combo_idx(:,Cond_ind_idx),[],1); % Map unique multi-indices back to full multi-idcs h_i_ic = reshape(h_i_combo_ic,i,[]); h_i_ic = reshape(h_i_ic(:,Cond_ind_idx),[],1); %
To read out the composition coefficients at the right order the absolute values of the multi-indices also has to be known. They are stored in .
h_i_abs = sum(h_i_un.'); [h_i_abs_un,~,h_i_abs_ic] = unique(h_i_abs);
contains the positions of the nonzero elements of all the multi-indices in column . Then each column is replicated by the amount of combinations that fulfill both condition 1 and condition 2, which is given by , since contains in column and row logical indices that indicate wheter combination fulfills both conditions for . That is then reshaped, such that the entry in contains the index of the composition coefficient that the multi-index in position in corresponds to.
%contains the row index for all of the valid combos for %all ms in the same ordering as in HV list_1_tmp = reshape(Fm_idx_row,sz_un(i),[]); list_1 = reshape(repelem(list_1_tmp,1,sum(Cond,1)),[],1 );
The same thing is done for the entries (not the positions) of all the multi-indices . The entry in contains the value of the composition coefficient that the multi-index in position in corresponds to.
%contains the entries of m for the valid combos for %all ms in the same ordering as in HV list_2_tmp = reshape(Fm_idx_pos,sz_un(i),[]); list_2 = reshape(repelem(list_2_tmp,1,sum(Cond,1)),[],1);
What is left now is to multiply and add the indices accordingly to get the right force contribution. Firstly all the composition coefficients are ready out into .
pi_dum = ones(size(h_i,2),1);
run_ord = 1;
for ord = h_i_abs_un
The logical index contains the positions of all multi-indices in that have order . The explicit positions of them are stored in .
idx_dum = 1:size(h_i_abs_ic.',2); idx_dum = idx_dum(h_i_abs_ic.' == run_ord); idx_dum = (h_i_ic == idx_dum); idx_dum = sum(idx_dum,2); I_ord = logical(idx_dum); I_ord_pos = find(I_ord);
The values corresponding to those multi_indices of order are read out of the arrays that specify the position of the composition coefficients for each of the multi-indices, being the phase space direction they correspond to, the multi-index subindex in the reverse lexicographically ordered set they have and the multi-index entry of the multi-index they correspond to.
I_1 = list_1(I_ord); I_2 = h_i_idx(I_ord); I_3 = list_2(I_ord);
In order to make use of the symmetry of the SSM-coefficients, all the multi-indices that in conjugate ordering have subindex bigger than the conjugate center index are changed to their conjugate counterpart, and for them then conjugate composition coefficients corresponding to this conjugate multi-index are read out.
z_ord = nchoosek(ord+l-1,l-1); z_cci_ord = Z_cci(ord); %split in the two index parts about conjugate %center index at order ord idx_2 = I_2 <= z_cci_ord; lin_idx_a = sub2ind([N,Z_cci(ord),ord],I_1(idx_2),I_2(idx_2),I_3(idx_2)); pi_dum(I_ord_pos(idx_2)) = data.H{ord}(lin_idx_a); lin_idx_b = sub2ind([N,Z_cci(ord),ord],I_1(~idx_2),z_ord-I_2(~idx_2)+1,I_3(~idx_2)); pi_dum(I_ord_pos(~idx_2)) = conj(data.H{ord}(lin_idx_b)); run_ord = run_ord +1;
The following step multiplies all composition coefficients that correspond to one combination of multi-indices fulfilling condition 1 and 2.
pi_dum = prod(reshape(pi_dum, sz_un(i),[]),1);
Next all the values of corresponding to the same multi-index have to be added. This is done by creating an array that contains for each entry in the index of the size multi-index it corresponds to. Using the values that correspond to the same index are added up and then stored in the array that contains all the composition terms.
%sum over combos and put into position list_3 = repelem([1:sumidx].',sum(Cond,1)); % Indices to read out the contributions into correct position n_contrib = sum(Cond,1)>0; idx_pos = find(idx); accum_pi = accumarray(reshape(list_3,[],1),pi_dum); pis(idx_pos(n_contrib),f) = accum_pi(find(n_contrib));
end end