Plot stability lines
function plot3_stab_lines(x,y,z,S,ST,varargin)
This function is adapted from stab_plot in coco_plot_bd in coco. It plots continuation results with stability info. It differentiates from plot_stab_lines that it returns a 3d-plot
- X: Data for x axis
- Y: Data for y axis
- Z: Data for z axis
- S: Data for stability of solution
- ST: A cell array for line style, for instance, we may have ST = cell(2,1); ST{1} = {'r--','LineWidth',1.0}; % unstable ST{2} = {'r-','LineWidth',1.0}; % stable
- VARARGIN: Strings for legends of unstable/stable solution branches
oldlegs = get(gca, 'legend'); if ~isempty(oldlegs) legsold = oldlegs.String; else legsold = {}; end II = 1; EI = numel(x); I = II; figs = []; stab = []; while true if II>=EI; break; end [I, I0] = next_index(EI, S, I, II); if isnan(S(II)) fig = plot3(x(II:I0), y(II:I0), z(II:I0), ST{S(II+1)+1}{:}); stab = [stab S(II+1)+1]; else fig = plot3(x(II:I0), y(II:I0), z(II:I0), ST{S(II)+1}{:}); stab = [stab S(II)+1]; end figs = [figs fig]; II = I0; end if ~isempty(varargin) Leg = cell(2,1); Leg{1} = varargin{1}; Leg{2} = varargin{2}; numSegs = numel(figs); if numSegs==1 % add legend legend(legsold{:},Leg{stab(1)},'Interpreter','latex'); else leg2 = setdiff(unique(stab),stab(1)); legend(legsold{:},Leg{stab(1)},Leg{leg2},'Interpreter','latex'); if numSegs>2 % remove repetitive legends from option for j=3:numSegs set(get(get(figs(j),'Annotation'),'LegendInformation'),... 'IconDisplayStyle','off'); end end end else numSegs = numel(figs); for j=1:numSegs set(get(get(figs(j),'Annotation'),'LegendInformation'),... 'IconDisplayStyle','off'); end end
end function [I, I0] = next_index(EI, S, I, II) if isnan(S(II)) % BUG: does not support two adjacent nan II=II+1; I=I+1; end while (I<EI && S(II)==S(I)); I=I+1; end I0 = I; end