Extract Stablitiy Diagram
function SD = extract_Stability_Diagram(obj,resModes, order, omRange, epsRange, parName, p0,varargin)
Extract Stability Diagram
This function extracts the stability diagram of the trivial fixed point of parametrically excited systems (also known as InceStrutt diagram) in a range of forcing frequency around the principal subharmonic 2:1 resonance using the reduced order model computed by the SSM. An appropriate SSM is constructed based on the resonant spectrum of system. Using continuation periodic orbits are detected and period doubling / saddle node bifurcations which appear at the boundaries of stable regions around these resonances are tracked and continued.
: Modes of the Eigenspace over which SSM is computed
: order of SSM epansion
: range of forcing frequency over which stability diagram is computed
: range of forcing amplitude over which stability diagram is computed
: 'amp' / 'freq' determines which parameter is released initially when looking for bifurcations.
: Initial parameters for continuation p0(1) contains forcing frequency, has to be in omRange p0(2) contains epsilon, has to be in epsRange
: { ['PD' or 'SN'], PlotSD}, whether the resonance tongue is to obtained using PD or SN bifurcations, option to suppress plot of SD
: Stability Diagram data struct
startStab = tic;
Parse input parameters
flag for bifurctaion type and plotting
if numel(varargin)==2 SNflag = strcmp(varargin{1},'SN'); PlotSD = varargin{2}; elseif numel(varargin)==1 if islogical(varargin{1}) PlotSD = varargin{1}; SNflag = false; else PlotSD = true; SNflag = strcmp(varargin{1},'SN'); end else SNflag = false; PlotSD = true; end if SNflag bifType = 'SN'; else bifType = 'PD'; end
Compute Autonomous SSM
obj.choose_E(resModes); % Initialise external forcing frequency obj.System.Omega = p0(1); % Compute SSM [W, R] = obj.compute_whisker(order);
Reduced dynamics ODEfunction
Data for odefunction
if obj.FRCOptions.omDepNonAuto % Assume strong dependence of coefficients on Omega fdata = struct('order', order,'R',R,'W',W); odefun = @(t,x,p) ode_2DSSM_cartesian(t,x,p,fdata,obj); odefun_dx = @(t,x,p) ode_2DSSM_cartesian_DFDX(t,x,p,fdata,obj); odefun_dp = @(t,x,p) ode_2DSSM_cartesian_DFDP(t,x,p,fdata,obj); else % Use a fixed ROM, computed for a single forcing frequency and use it % for the full frequency span % Compute Reduced dynamics and sensitivity coefficients obj.System.Omega = obj.FRCOptions.omDepNonAutoVal; fdata = struct('order', order,'R',R,'S',S); odefun = @(t,x,p) ode_2DSSM_cartesian_fixROM(t,x,p,fdata); odefun_dx = @(t,x,p) ode_2DSSM_cartesian_DFDX_fixROM(t,x,p,fdata); odefun_dp = @(t,x,p) ode_2DSSM_cartesian_DFDP_fixROM(t,x,p,fdata,obj.Options.contribNonAuto); end funcs = {odefun,odefun_dx,odefun_dp};
Set up continuation problem
Initial conditions
switch bifType case 'PD' periodsRatio = 1; case 'SN' periodsRatio = 2; end T = periodsRatio *2*pi/p0(1); % Forcing period of initial condition t0 = linspace(0,T,101); x0 = zeros(101,2); % Build Problem prob = coco_prob(); prob = cocoSet(obj.contOptions, prob); %set default options prob = coco_set(prob, 'ode', 'autonomous', false,'vectorized', false); coll_args = [funcs, {t0, x0, {'om' 'eps' }, p0}]; prob = ode_isol2po(prob, '', coll_args{:}); % Fix period of response to forcing frequency to detect PD bifurcation [data, uidx] = coco_get_func_data(prob, 'po.orb.coll', 'data', 'uidx'); maps = data.coll_seg.maps; omData = struct(); omData.periodsRatio = periodsRatio; prob = coco_add_func(prob, 'OmegaT', @OmegaT, @OmegaT_du, omData, 'zero',... 'uidx', [uidx(maps.T_idx), uidx(maps.p_idx(1))]);
Continuation arguments
switch parName case 'freq' isomega = true; cont_args = { 1, { 'om', 'po.period' }, omRange }; parRange = epsRange; %Range of 2nd continuation parameter case 'amp' isomega = false; cont_args = {1, {'eps', 'po.period'}, epsRange }; parRange = omRange; %Range of 2nd continuation parameter otherwise error('Continuation parameter should be freq or amp'); end
runid = 'ROM_detect_bif';
bd = coco(prob,runid,[],cont_args{:});
Continue Period Doubling branches
switch bifType case 'PD' labs = coco_bd_labs(bd, 'PD'); case 'SN' labs = coco_bd_labs(bd, 'SN'); end if obj.FRCOptions.branchSwitch if isempty(labs) sprintf('No bifurcations indicating a resonance tongue were detected'); SD = []; return else epsilon = []; omega = []; run_idx = 1; for lab = labs labid = sprintf('ROM_family_bif%d',run_idx ); % Id of this run along family of PD bifurcations fprintf('\n Run=''%s'': Continue bifurcations from point %d in run ''%s''.\n',labid, lab, runid); [omega_i,epsilon_i] = stab_diag(obj,parRange,lab,runid,labid,isomega,bifType, omData); omega = [omega,omega_i]; epsilon = [epsilon,epsilon_i]; run_idx = run_idx+1; end SD.omega = omega; SD.epsilon = epsilon; end if PlotSD plot_Stability_Diagram(omega,epsilon,order); end SD.order = order; totalComputationTime = toc(startStab); disp(['Total time spent on Stability Diagram computation = ' datestr(datenum(0,0,0,0,0,totalComputationTime),'HH:MM:SS')]) else SD = []; end
function[omega,epsilon] = stab_diag(obj,parRange,lab, runid,labid,isomega, bifType, omData) % For continuation of PD bifurcation in omega and epsilon % Build continuation problem prob = coco_prob(); prob = cocoSet(obj.contOptions, prob); %set default options switch bifType case 'PD' prob = ode_PD2PD(prob, '', runid, lab); case 'SN' prob = ode_SN2SN(prob, '', runid, lab); end % Fix period of response [data, uidx] = coco_get_func_data(prob, 'po.orb.coll', 'data', 'uidx'); maps = data.coll_seg.maps; prob = coco_add_func(prob, 'OmegaT', @OmegaT, @OmegaT_du, omData, 'zero',... 'uidx', [uidx(maps.T_idx), uidx(maps.p_idx(1))]); if isomega cont_args = {1, {'eps' 'om' 'po.period' }, parRange}; else cont_args = {1, {'om' 'po.period' 'eps' }, parRange}; end bd_lab = coco(prob, labid, [], cont_args{:}); % read out omega and epsilon values along period doubling bifurcation omega = coco_bd_col(bd_lab, 'om'); epsilon = coco_bd_col(bd_lab, 'eps'); end
function [] = plot_Stability_Diagram(omega,epsilon,order) figSD = gcf; % Plot in terms of omega and epsilon figure(figSD); hold on; grid off; plot(omega,epsilon,'-','LineWidth',2,'color',[0.4940 0.1840 0.5560],'DisplayName',strcat('SSM-$$\mathcal{O}(',num2str(order),')$$')) add_labels('$\Omega$','$\epsilon$') add_legends(order); %title('Stability of trivial fixed point') %legend(strcat('SSM-$$\mathcal{O}(',num2str(order),')$$'),... % 'Interpreter','latex','Location','best'); %legend boxon end
function add_legends(order) hl = legend('show','Location','best'); set(hl, 'Interpreter','latex') legend boxon; end function add_labels(xlab,ylab) xlabel(xlab,'Interpreter','latex'); ylabel(ylab,'Interpreter','latex'); set(gca,'FontSize',14); grid on, axis tight; legend boxoff; end function [data, y] = OmegaT(prob, data, u) %#ok<INUSL> y = u(1)*u(2)-2*pi*data.periodsRatio; % omega*T = 2*pi end function [data, J] = OmegaT_du(prob, data, u) %#ok<INUSL> J = [u(2) u(1)]; end