Nonautonomous first order solving invariance equation
function [R1_ik,W1_ik] = nonAut_1stOrder_SolveInvEq(FG,WR,data)
This function sets up the non-autonomous invariance equation for the first order system computation and solves it with the predefined solver.
- FG: internal and external forces composed with SSM coefficients for harmonic i.
- WR: Composed terms W1R0 + W0R1 at order k and for harmonic i
- data: data struct containing necessary information for computation
- W1_ik: non-autonomous SSM coefficients at order k for harmonic i
- R1_ik: non-autonomous RD coefficients at order k for harmonic i
% Unpack variables kappas = data.kappas; Omega = data.Omega; W_M = data.W_M; A = data.A; B = data.B; i = data.i; k = data.k; I = data.I; F = data.F; l = data.l; N = data.N; K_lambda = data.Lambda_K; W0 = data.W0; solver = data.solver; z_k = nchoosek(k+l-1,l-1); % Computes the SSM coeffs and reduced dynamics coefficients using first % order implementation R1_ik_coeff = sum( conj(W_M(:,I)).* ( FG(:,F) - B*(WR(:,F)))); R1_ik = sparse(I,F,R1_ik_coeff , l,nchoosek(k+l-1,l-1)); R1_dum(k+1).coeffs = R1_ik; if l > 1 R1_dum(k+1).ind = flip(sortrows(nsumk(l,k,'nonnegative')).',2); %order k multi-indices else R1_dum(k+1).ind = k; end
Solve the coefficient equation for the SSM coefficients
Add R1 order k contribution to the right hand side
RHS = B* (WR + coeffs_mixed_terms(k,1, W0,R1_dum,data,'R1')) - FG; W1_ik = zeros(N,z_k); for j = 1:z_k if any(RHS(:,j)) C_i = A - B * (K_lambda(j) + 1i * kappas(:,i)*Omega); % Coefficient matrix W1_ik(:,j) = solveinveq(C_i,RHS(:,j),solver); end end