Nonautonomous second order leading terms
function [W1,R1,varargout] = nonAut_2ndOrder_leadTerms(W1,R1,data)
This function computes the leading order, parametrisation-coordinate independent parts of the non-autonomous SSM using the second order system computation routine.
[W1,R1, varagout] = NONAUT_2NDORDER_LEADTERMS(W1,R1, data)
- W1: non-autonomous SSM coefficients
- R1: non-autonomous RD coefficients
- data: data struct containing necessary information for computation
- W1: non-autonomous SSM coefficients
- R1: non-autonomous RD coefficients
- varargout:information concering the solution time of the inv. equation.
% Unpacking variables Omega = data.Omega; nKappa = data.nKappa; N = data.N; n = N/2; l = data.l; kappas = data.kappas; % System matrices Mass = data.Mass; Damp = data.Damp; Stiff = data.Stiff; FEXT = data.FEXT; % Manifold variables THETA = data.THETA; PHI = data.PHI; Lambda_M_vector = data.Lambda_M_vector;
Solving for coefficients with k=0
The coefficient equation for this case reads
% Finding all force contributions at zeroth order
[F_0, idx_0] = zeroth_order_forcing(nKappa,N,FEXT);
Find resonant terms
[ev_idx, harm_idx,~] = nonAut_resonant_terms([],kappas(:,idx_0),data,'zero'); % contains harmonic idx. r_ext = length(ev_idx); V0 = sparse(n,1); if r_ext % unique harmonic positions [harm_idx_un, ~,i_E_un] = unique(harm_idx.'); if numel(harm_idx_un) > 0 Y0 = zeros(N/2,numel(idx_0)); else Y0 = sparse(N/2,numel(idx_0)); end jj = 1; for un_harm = harm_idx_un % Loop over all unique resonant harmonics un_ev = ev_idx((i_E_un == jj)); % All resonant eigenvalues for this harmonic Y0_tmp = - F_0(1:n,un_harm); Y0(:,un_harm) = Y0_tmp; Lambda_0_Om = 1i * (kappas(:,idx_0(un_harm))*Omega); [S0] = nonAut_2ndOrder_RedDyn(un_ev,[],THETA,PHI,Lambda_M_vector,Lambda_0_Om, Mass,Damp,V0,Y0_tmp,l,1,0); R1(idx_0(un_harm)).R(1).coeffs = sparse(S0); R1(idx_0(un_harm)).R(1).ind = sparse(l,1); jj = jj +1; end end soltic = tic; if data.NonAuto % whether to ignore higher order kappas_0 = kappas(:,idx_0); [redConj,mapConj] = nonAut_conj_red(kappas_0, F_0(:,idx_0)); for j = 1:numel(redConj) S0 = R1(j).R(1).coeffs; if isempty(S0) S0 = 0; end Lambda_0_Om = 1i * (kappas(:,redConj(j))*Omega); L_k = ( Mass * ((Lambda_0_Om + Lambda_M_vector.') .* PHI) + Damp*PHI ) * S0; L_k = L_k + Y0(:,redConj(j)); C_k = -(Stiff + Lambda_0_Om*Damp + Lambda_0_Om^2 *Mass ); w_10 = solveinveq(C_k,L_k,data.solver); w_10dot = Lambda_0_Om * w_10 + PHI * S0 + V0; W10j = [w_10;w_10dot]; mapj = mapConj{j}; switch numel(mapj) case 1 W1(idx_0(mapj(1))).W(1).coeffs = W10j; W1(idx_0(mapj(1))).W(1).ind = sparse(l,1); case 2 W1(idx_0(mapj(1))).W(1).coeffs = W10j; W1(idx_0(mapj(2))).W(1).coeffs = conj(W10j); W1(idx_0(mapj(1))).W(1).ind = sparse(l,1); W1(idx_0(mapj(2))).W(1).ind = sparse(l,1); otherwise error('there exist redundancy in kappa of external forcing'); end end end soltime = toc(soltic); varargout{1} = soltime;
end function [F_0, idx_0] = zeroth_order_forcing(nKappa,N,FEXT) % Finding all force contributions at zeroth order F_0 = zeros(N,nKappa); for i = 1:nKappa if ~isempty( F_0(:,i)=; % each column corresponds to one kappa end end idx_0 = find(any(F_0~=0)); % index for all kappas that contribute at zeroth order end