function [Aout,Zout,Znorm,Zic,varargout] = compute_full_response_2mD_ReIm(W_0, W_1, state, epsilon, nt, mFreqs, outdof)
Compute the full system position and trajectories of the input states in reduced dynamics.
phi = linspace(0,2*pi,nt)/min(mFreqs);
% reduced coordinate
z = transpose(state).*exp(1i*(mFreqs'.*phi));
m = numel(mFreqs);
p = zeros(2*m,nt);
p(1:2:end-1,:) = z;
p(2:2:end,:) = conj(z);
Full system response:
z = reduced_to_full_traj(phi,p,W_0,W_1,epsilon,1); % % Timeseries at outdof if isnumeric(outdof) Zout = z(outdof,:); noutdof = numel(outdof); else Zout = outdof(z); noutdof = size(Zout,1); % function handle for observables end
Znorm = norm(z,'fro')/sqrt(nt-1); % Aout = norm(Zout,'inf'); Aout = []; ZoutNorm = []; for k=1:numel(outdof) amp = norm(Zout(k,:),'inf'); Aout = [Aout amp]; ZoutNorm = [ZoutNorm norm(Zout(k,:),'fro')/sqrt(nt-1)]; end Zic = z(:,1)'; varargout{1} = ZoutNorm;