Extract output
function [Zout, Aout, Znorm, varargout] = extract_output(z, outdof)
This function extracts the results of an SSM analysis along specified phase space coordinate directions.
- Aout : Max z at output DOFs
- Zout : Time history at output DOFs
- Znorm: L_2 norm estimate of the periodic response
nt = size(z,2); Znorm = norm(z,'fro')/sqrt(nt-1); if ~isempty(outdof) if isnumeric(outdof) Zout = z(outdof,:); noutdof = numel(outdof); else Zout = outdof(z); noutdof = size(Zout,1); end Aout = zeros(1, noutdof); for k=1:numel(outdof) Aout(k) = norm(Zout(k,:),'inf'); end ZoutNorm = norm(Zout,'fro')/sqrt(nt-1); varargout{1} = ZoutNorm; else Zout = []; Aout = []; end