function FRC = SSM_poSweeps(obj,oid,modes,order,epSamp,omRange,varargin)
This function performs a family of continuations of periodic orbits of reduced dynamics. Continuation is performed with varied forcing frequency for each forcing amplitude. The continuation here starts from the guess of an initial solution.
: runid of continuation
: master spectral subspace
: expansion order of SSM
: sampled forcing amplitudes for forced response curves
: continuation domain of forcing frequency, which should be near the value of natural frequency with index 1 -
: parameter that can be used to suppres the plot of FRCs
FRC: Forced Response Curve data struct
if~isempty( varargin) plotfrc = varargin{1}; end outdof = obj.FRCOptions.outdof; FRCom = cell(numel(epSamp),1); ii = 1; for ep = epSamp oideps = strcat(oid,num2str(ep)); if obj.System.order == 1 obj.System.Fext.epsilon = ep; else obj.System.fext.epsilon = ep; end FRCom{ii} = FRC_cont_po(obj,oideps,modes,order,omRange); ii = ii +1; end
results extraction
FRCom = horzcat(FRCom{:});
% save results
FRC = struct();
FRC.SSMorder = order;
FRC.SSMnonAuto = obj.Options.contribNonAuto;
FRC.FRCom = FRCom;
FRC.eps = epSamp;
Visualization of results
if~isempty( varargin) if plotfrc sweeps_plot(numel(FRCom),FRCom,outdof,order); end else sweeps_plot(numel(FRCom),FRCom,outdof,order); end
function sweeps_plot(numLabs,FRCom,outdof,order) % Plot FRC in normal coordinates thm = struct( 'special', {{'SN', 'HB' , 'PD'}}); thm.SN = {'LineStyle', 'none', 'LineWidth', 2, ... 'Color', 'cyan', 'Marker', 'o', 'MarkerSize', 8, 'MarkerEdgeColor', ... 'cyan', 'MarkerFaceColor', 'white'}; thm.HB = {'LineStyle', 'none', 'LineWidth', 2, ... 'Color', 'black', 'Marker', 's', 'MarkerSize', 8, 'MarkerEdgeColor', ... 'black', 'MarkerFaceColor', 'white'}; thm.PD = {'LineStyle', 'none', 'LineWidth', 2, ... 'Color', 'green', 'Marker', 's', 'MarkerSize', 8, 'MarkerEdgeColor', ... 'black', 'MarkerFaceColor', 'white'}; % Plot FRC in system coordinates % setup legend legTypes = zeros(numLabs,1); % each entry can be 1/2/3 - all stab/all unstab/mix for k=1:numLabs stab = FRCom{k}.stability; if all(stab) legTypes(k) = 1; elseif all(~stab) legTypes(k) = 2; else legTypes(k) = 3; end end legDisp = []; % figure with legends displayed idmix = find(legTypes==3); if ~isempty(idmix) legDisp = [legDisp idmix(1)]; else idallstab = find(legTypes==1); if ~isempty(idallstab) legDisp = [legDisp,idallstab(1)]; end idallunstab = find(legTypes==2); if ~isempty(idallunstab) legDisp = [legDisp,idallunstab(1)]; end end ndof = numel(outdof); for i=1:ndof % 2D plot figure; hold on for k=1:numLabs om = FRCom{k}.om; Aout = FRCom{k}.Aout(i,:); stab = FRCom{k}.stability; if any(legDisp==k) stab_plot(om,Aout,stab,order,'blue'); else stab_plot(om,Aout,stab,order,'blue','nolegends'); end % plot special points SNidx = FRCom{k}.SNidx; SNfig = plot(om(SNidx),Aout(SNidx),thm.SN{:}); set(get(get(SNfig,'Annotation'),'LegendInformation'),... 'IconDisplayStyle','off'); %HBidx = FRCom{k}.HBidx; %HBfig = plot(om(HBidx),Aout(HBidx),thm.HB{:}); %set(get(get(HBfig,'Annotation'),'LegendInformation'),... % 'IconDisplayStyle','off'); end xlabel('$\Omega$','interpreter','latex','FontSize',16); zk = strcat('$||z_{',num2str(outdof(i)),'}||_{\infty}$'); ylabel(zk,'Interpreter','latex'); set(gca,'FontSize',14); grid on, axis tight; legend boxoff; % 3D plot figure; hold on for k=1:numLabs om = FRCom{k}.om; epsf = FRCom{k}.ep; Aout = FRCom{k}.Aout(i,:); stab = FRCom{k}.stability; if any(legDisp==k) stab_plot3(om,epsf,Aout,stab,order); else stab_plot3(om,epsf,Aout,stab,order,'nolegends'); end % plot special points SNidx = FRCom{k}.SNidx; SNfig = plot3(om(SNidx),epsf(SNidx),Aout(SNidx),thm.SN{:}); set(get(get(SNfig,'Annotation'),'LegendInformation'),... 'IconDisplayStyle','off'); %HBidx = FRCom{k}.HBidx; %HBfig = plot3(om(HBidx),epsf(HBidx),Aout(HBidx),thm.HB{:}); %set(get(get(HBfig,'Annotation'),'LegendInformation'),... % 'IconDisplayStyle','off'); end xlabel('$\Omega$','interpreter','latex','FontSize',16); ylabel('$\epsilon$','interpreter','latex','FontSize',16); zk = strcat('$||z_{',num2str(outdof(i)),'}||_{\infty}$'); zlabel(zk,'Interpreter','latex'); set(gca,'FontSize',14); grid on, axis tight; legend boxoff; view([-1,-1,1]); end end
function stab_plot3(x,y,z,S,order,varargin) % This function is adapted from stab_plot in coco_plot_bd in coco II = 1; EI = numel(x); I = II; figs = []; stab = []; ST = cell(2,1); %ST{1} = {'ro','MarkerSize', 4}; %ST{2} = {'bo','MarkerSize', 4}; ST{1} = {'b--','LineWidth',1.5}; ST{2} = {'b-','LineWidth',1.5}; while true if II>=EI; break; end [I, I0] = next_index(EI, S, I, II); fig = plot3(x(II:I0), y(II:I0), z(II:I0), ST{S(II)+1}{:}); figs = [figs fig]; stab = [stab S(II)+1]; II = I0; end if isempty(varargin) Leg = cell(2,1); Leg{1} = strcat('SSM-$$\mathcal{O}(',num2str(order),')$$ - unstable'); Leg{2} = strcat('SSM-$$\mathcal{O}(',num2str(order),')$$ - stable'); numSegs = numel(figs); if numSegs==1 % add legend legend(Leg{stab(1)},'Interpreter','latex'); else legend(Leg{stab(1)},Leg{stab(2)},'Interpreter','latex'); if numSegs>2 % remove repetitive legends from option for j=3:numSegs set(get(get(figs(j),'Annotation'),'LegendInformation'),... 'IconDisplayStyle','off'); end end end else numSegs = numel(figs); for j=1:numSegs set(get(get(figs(j),'Annotation'),'LegendInformation'),... 'IconDisplayStyle','off'); end end end function [I, I0] = next_index(EI, S, I, II) while (I<EI && S(II)==S(I)); I=I+1; end I0 = I; end