function [prob, args1, args2] = monitor_states(prob, ispolar, m)
This function add state of reduced dynamics as continuation parameters and define string array for the state. The prob here is a continuation problem. (args1,args2)=(rhoargs,thargs) or (Reargs,Imargs) depending on the value of ispolar
args1 = cell(m,1); args2 = cell(m,1); if ispolar for k=1:m args1{k} = strcat('rho',num2str(k)); args2{k} = strcat('th',num2str(k)); end prob = coco_add_pars(prob, 'radius', 1:2:2*m-1, args1(:)'); prob = coco_add_pars(prob, 'angle', 2:2:2*m, args2(:)'); else for k=1:m args1{k} = strcat('Rez',num2str(k)); args2{k} = strcat('Imz',num2str(k)); end prob = coco_add_pars(prob, 'realParts', 1:2:2*m-1, args1(:)'); prob = coco_add_pars(prob, 'imagParts', 2:2:2*m, args2(:)'); end