classdef cocoOptions < matlab.mixin.SetGet % COCOOPTIONS Options for continuation package coco properties dir_name % output directory atlasdim = 1 % atlas algorithm dimension: 1->use default one, >1->atlas kd % settings for continuation NPR = 10 % frequency of screen outputs NSV = 10 % frequency of storing solutions to disk NAdapt = 0 % adaptation period, 0 == off h0 = 0.1 % initial step size h_max = 0.5 % max step size h_min = 0.01 % min step size h_fac_max = 2 % max step size adaptation factor h_fac_min = 0.5 % min step size adaptation factor MaxRes = 0.1 % max residual norm in prediction bi_direct = true % go in both directions or not PtMX = 100 % max continuation step al_max = 7 % max angle between consecutive tangents theta = 0.5 % projection parameter used in atlas kd nSample = 1 % number of samples by which plots should be spaced % settings for correction ItMX = 10 % max. number of iterations TOL = 1e-6 % tolerance for Newton iteration % settins for collocation NTST = 10 % number of mesh intervals NCOL = 4 % number of collocation points MXCL = true % enable/disable termination when discretization error exceeds tolerance % branch switching branchSwitch = false; branchLevels = 1; % Does not support multiple level currently % settings for forward IntItMX = 10; % max. number of Newton iterationn in numerical integration RelTol = 1e-6; % tolerance for stopping Newton iteration Nsteps = 500; % number of time-stepping steps alpha = 0; % algorithm parameter in Newmark integration scheme rhoinf = 0.9; % algorithm parameter in Galpha integration scheme % settings for po neigs = 100; % number of eigenvalues used in bifurcation event function (closest to unit cycle) % setting for vector field vectorized = true % settings for kd continuation R = 0.1 % initial step size R_max = 1 % max step size R_min = 0.01 % min step size R_fac_max = 2 % max step size adaptation factor R_fac_min = 0.5 % min step size adaptation factor ga = 0.95 % adaptation security factor almax = 10 % max angle between consecutive tangents end methods % write your functions here end end