function [W_0, R_0] = compute_whisker(obj, order)
This function computes the invariant manifold in the autonomous
system limit either a tensor- based or a multi-index based algorithm
may be chosen for the computation. This function sets up the
computation, the order
cohomological equation for obtaining the parametrisation
coefficients and the coefficients for the reduced dynamics are
computed by calling
Leading-order terms
Lambda_E = obj.E.spectrum; W_01 = obj.E.basis; switch obj.Options.notation case 'tensor' % Initialize W_0 = cell(1,order); R_0 = cell(1,order); W_0{1} = sptensor(W_01); R_0{1} = sptensor(diag(Lambda_E)); % *Outer resonance case* : issue warning if obj.resonance.outer.occurs prompt = 'Due to (near) outer resonance, the exisitence of the manifold is questionable and the underlying computation may suffer.'; disp(prompt) disp('Attempting manifold computation') end for j = 2:order %recursively approximate at j-th order startOrderj = tic; [W_0{j},R_0{j},~] = cohomological_solution(obj,j,W_0,R_0,[]); obj.solInfo.timeEstimate(j) = toc(startOrderj); disp(['Manifold computation time at order ' num2str(j) ' = ' datestr(datenum(0,0,0,0,0,obj.solInfo.timeEstimate(j)),'HH:MM:SS')]) fprintf('Estimated memory usage at order % 2i = %05.2E MB\n', j, obj.solInfo.memoryEstimate(j)) end for j = 1:order W_0{j} = tensor_to_multi_index(W_0{j}); R_0{j} = tensor_to_multi_index(R_0{j}); end W_0 = [W_0{:}]; R_0 = [R_0{:}]; case 'multiindex'
W_0 = repmat(struct('coeffs',[]),1,order); R_0 = repmat(struct('coeffs',[]),1,order); % Set up system for Multi-index notation version check_COMPtype(obj); % determine whether system is real or complex [W_0(1),R_0(1),multi_input] = coeffs_setup(obj,order); % *Outer resonance case* : issue warning if obj.resonance.outer.occurs prompt = 'Due to (near) outer resonance, the exisitence of the manifold is questionable and the underlying computation may suffer.'; disp(prompt) disp('Attempting manifold computation') end for j = 2:order %recursively approximate at j-th order startOrderj = tic; [W_0(j).coeffs,R_0(j).coeffs,multi_input] = cohomological_solution(obj,j,W_0,R_0,multi_input); obj.solInfo.timeEstimate(j) = toc(startOrderj); disp(['Manifold computation time at order ' num2str(j) ' = ' datestr(datenum(0,0,0,0,0,obj.solInfo.timeEstimate(j)),'HH:MM:SS')]) fprintf('Estimated memory usage at order % 2i = %05.2E MB\n', j, obj.solInfo.memoryEstimate(j)) end switch obj.System.Options.DStype case 'real' [W_0,R_0] = coeffs_conj2lex(multi_input,order,W_0,R_0); case 'complex' [W_0] = coeffs_lex2revlex(W_0,'TaylorCoeff'); [R_0] = coeffs_lex2revlex(R_0,'TaylorCoeff'); end
Add multi-indices field to the coefficients field at every order
[W_0,R_0] = coeffs_output(W_0,R_0,order);