function varargout = auto_po_solver(obj,R_0,oid,t0,p0,coordinates)
Autonomous periodic orbit solver
This function solves for the periodic orbit of autonomous dynamics
on SSM with given initial guess of periodic orbit
. Here t0
is a time sequence, and
are the corresponding sequence of states in either
polar or cartesian representation (string in coordinates). For the
rest of arguments, lambda is the spectrum of the spectral subspace
used for yielding the reduced dynamics R_0
lambda = obj.System.spectrum.Lambda; lambdaRe = real(lambda); lambdaIm = imag(lambda); % check reduced dynamics to see its consistent with reduced dynamics m = numel(lambda)/2; order = numel(R_0); beta = cell(m,1); % coefficients - each cell corresponds to one mode kappa = cell(m,1); % exponants for k = 2:order R = R_0{k}; coeffs = R.coeffs; ind = R.ind; if ~isempty(coeffs) for i=1:m betai = coeffs(2*i-1,:); [~,ki,betai] = find(betai); kappai = ind(ki,:); % check resonant condition % assemble terms beta{i} = [beta{i} betai]; kappa{i} = [kappa{i}; kappai]; end end end fdata = struct(); fdata.beta = beta; fdata.kappa = kappa; fdata.lamdRe = lambdaRe(1:2:end-1); fdata.lamdIm = lambdaIm(1:2:end-1); ispolar = strcmp(coordinates, 'polar'); fdata.ispolar = ispolar; if ispolar error('autonomous vector field in polar representation is not implemented yet'); else odefun = @(z,p) auto_ode_2mDSSM_cartesian(z,fdata); end funcs = {odefun}; prob = coco_prob(); prob = coco_set(prob,'corr','TOL',1e-5); prob = ode_isol2po(prob, '', funcs{:}, t0, p0); runid = coco_get_id(oid, 'auto-po'); bd = coco(prob, runid, [], 0); varargout{1} = bd;