Plot analytical domain
function plot_analytical_domain(appr_order,R_0)
Plot domain over which the SSM parametrisation converges, for details see Ponsioen and Haller, 2019.
% Define colormap - grey shades increasing in darkness with higher order approximations. color = flip(gray(appr_order-floor(appr_order/2))); run_idx = 1; for order = floor(appr_order/2):appr_order p = zeros(1,1+order); for j = 1:order if any(any(R_0(j).coeffs)) p(j+1) = real(nonzeros(R_0(j).coeffs(1,:))); end end % Compute roots p_roots = roots(flip(p)); % Create plot if order < appr_order plot(p_roots, 'm.','LineWidth',2,'color',color(run_idx,:),'MarkerSize',10,'HandleVisibility','off'); else plot(p_roots, 'm.','LineWidth',2,'DisplayName','Roots of a(\rho)','color','m','MarkerSize',10); end hold on; run_idx = run_idx+1; end title("Approximation order " + appr_order, 'Fontsize',20); legend('show','Fontsize',20) ylabel('Imaginary part','Fontsize',20);xlabel('Real part','Fontsize',20); % Domain of analyticity as given by mean of the roots on the circle % approximating radius of convergence % We assume there are more non persistent zeros that approximate the radius % of convergence than spurious zeros -> therefore the median distance of all % roots will be bigger than the distance of the non spurious zero that is % furthest away from the origin. % Take the median distance from origin of all roots rho_mean = median(abs(p_roots)); % Take the mean of all the roots that have bigger distance from zero than % the median distance rho = mean(abs(p_roots(abs(p_roots)>rho_mean))); if ~isnan(rho) xlim([-1.5*rho 1.5*rho]) ylim([-1.5*rho 1.5*rho]) end hold off;