Plot backbone curve
function plot_backbone_curves(coeffs,exp_idx,rhosamp,orders)
This function plots the backbone curves on reduced coordinates with allowing for various orders of approximation to be displayed at once. It only supports 2D SSMs.
if exp_idx(1)>exp_idx(2) exp_idx = flip(exp_idx); coeffs = flip(coeffs); end figure; hold on y = 0; for k=1:numel(exp_idx) y = y+coeffs(k)*rhosamp.^(exp_idx(k)); orderk = exp_idx(k)+1; if any(orderk==orders) plot(y,rhosamp,'LineWidth',1.5,'DisplayName',['SSM-O(',num2str(orderk),')']); end end legend('show','Location', 'Best'); legend boxoff set(gca,'FontSize',14); set(gca,'LineWidth',1.2); grid on xlabel('$\Omega$','Interpreter',"latex",'FontSize',16); ylabel('$\rho$','Interpreter',"latex",'FontSize',16);