function redSamp = tor_reduced_results(runid,ispolar,isomega,mFreqs,nt)
This function extract results of reduced dynamics at
sampled forcing frequencies/amplitudes in continuation of periodic orbits
- runid: id of continuation run of equilibrium points
- ispolar: coordinate representation of reduced dynamics
- isomega: is the continuation parameter forcing frequency
- mFreqs: internal resonance relation vector
- nt: number of time points for discretizing trajectory
extract results of reduced dynamics at sampled frequency/forcing
bd = coco_bd_read(runid); labs = coco_bd_labs(bd,'all'); nlab = numel(labs); sols = cell(nlab,1); omeg = zeros(nlab,1); epsf = zeros(nlab,1); for k = 1:nlab sol = tor_read_solution('',runid, labs(k)); omeg(k) = sol.p(1); epsf(k) = sol.p(2); sols{k} = sol; end redSamp = struct(); = omeg; redSamp.ep = epsf; redSamp.lab = labs;
plot continuation path in normal coordinates
if isempty(isomega) figure; coco_plot_bd(runid, 'om', 'eps'); grid on; box on; set(gca,'LineWidth',1.2); set(gca,'FontSize',14); xlabel('$\Omega$','interpreter','latex','FontSize',16); ylabel('$\epsilon$','interpreter','latex','FontSize',16); else if isomega figure; subplot(2,1,1); coco_plot_bd(runid, 'om', 'om1'); grid on; box on; set(gca,'LineWidth',1.2); set(gca,'FontSize',12); xlabel('$\Omega$','interpreter','latex','FontSize',16); ylabel('$\omega_1$','interpreter','latex','FontSize',16); subplot(2,1,2); coco_plot_bd(runid, 'om', 'om2'); grid on; box on; set(gca,'LineWidth',1.2); set(gca,'FontSize',12); xlabel('$\Omega$','interpreter','latex','FontSize',16); ylabel('$\omega_2$','interpreter','latex','FontSize',16); else figure; subplot(2,1,1); coco_plot_bd(runid, 'eps', 'om1'); grid on; box on; set(gca,'LineWidth',1.2); set(gca,'FontSize',12); xlabel('$\epsilon$','interpreter','latex','FontSize',16); ylabel('$\omega_1$','interpreter','latex','FontSize',16); subplot(2,1,2); coco_plot_bd(runid, 'eps', 'om2'); grid on; box on; set(gca,'LineWidth',1.2); set(gca,'FontSize',12); xlabel('$\epsilon$','interpreter','latex','FontSize',16); ylabel('$\omega_2$','interpreter','latex','FontSize',16); end end
construct torus in reduced system using interpolation of periodic cycle
disp('Constructing 3D torus in reduced dynamical system'); qTr = cell(nlab,1); tTr = cell(nlab,1); nSeg = zeros(nlab,1); angs = linspace(0,2*pi,100); for i=1:numel(labs) soli = sols{i}; tbp = soli.tbp; xbp = soli.xbp; % xbp = zeros(nt, data.bc_data.dim, N+1); % recover to high fidelty based on Fourier expansion xbp = tor_interpolation(xbp,angs); om = soli.p(1); assert(abs(om-omeg(i))<1e-3*omeg(i), 'Read wrong solution from data'); fprintf('Interpolation at frequency %d\n', om); ratio = ceil(soli.p(1)/soli.p(end-1)); tsamp = linspace(0,tbp(end),ratio*nt); [~,dim, numSegs] = size(xbp); ys = zeros(ratio*nt,dim,numSegs); for k=1:numSegs % Interpolation at fine mesh xk = interp1(tbp, xbp(:,:,k), tsamp, 'pchip'); % Update basepoint values % Real to complex if ispolar zk = xk(:,1:2:end-1).*exp(1j*xk(:,2:2:end)); else zk = xk(:,1:2:end-1)+1j*xk(:,2:2:end); end % \mathbb{S}^2 --> \mathbb{S}^3, slow-time --> regular time zk = zk.*exp(1j*(om*mFreqs.*tsamp')); ys(:,1:2:end-1,k) = real(zk); ys(:,2:2:end,k) = imag(zk); end qTr{i} = ys; tTr{i} = tsamp; nSeg(i) = numSegs; end redSamp.qTr = qTr; redSamp.tTr = tTr; redSamp.nSeg = nSeg;