function SSM_isol2po(obj,oid,run,lab,initsol,parName,parRange,outdof,varargin)
This function performs continuation of periodic orbits of slow dynamics. Each periodic orbit corresponds to a torus (quasi-periodic) response in regular time dynamics. The continuation here starts with an initial guess of periodic orbit. It assumes that ep continuation has been performed with run(id) and the ep solution with label(lab) is read to extract the vector field of the reduced dynamics. Such a vector field will be used in later
: runid of current continuation
: runid of continuation for saved solution
: label of continuation for saved solution, which must be the label of a saddle-node point
: initial solution, which is a structure (t,x,eps,om)
: amp/freq continuation parameter
: continuation domain of parameter, which should be near the value of natural frequency with index 1 in the mFreq if continuation parameter is freq
: output for dof in physical domain
: ['saveICs'] flag for saving the initial point in trajectory
See also: SSM_EP2HB, SSM_PO2PO
continuation of equilibrium points in reduced dynamics
prob = coco_prob(); prob = cocoSet(obj.contOptions,prob); [~, data] = ep_read_solution('', coco_get_id(run, 'ep'), lab); t0 = initsol.t; x0 = initsol.x; p0 = [;initsol.eps]; prob = ode_isol2po(prob, '', data.fhan, data.dfdxhan, data.dfdphan, ... t0, x0, data.pnames, p0); % read data fdata = coco_get_func_data(prob, 'po.orb.coll', 'data'); % extract data to fdata.fhan, namely, @(z,p)ode_2mDSSM(z,p,fdata) odedata = functions(fdata.fhan); odedata = odedata.workspace{1}; fdata = odedata.fdata; m = numel(fdata.mFreqs); % W_0 = fdata.W_0; % W_1 = fdata.W_1; order = fdata.order; ispolar = fdata.ispolar; iNonauto = fdata.iNonauto; rNonauto = fdata.rNonauto; kNonauto = fdata.kNonauto; modes = fdata.modes; mFreqs = fdata.mFreqs; dim = 2*m; wdir = fullfile(pwd,'data','SSM.mat'); SSMcoeffs = load(wdir); SSMcoeffs = SSMcoeffs.SSMcoeffs; W_0 = SSMcoeffs.W_0; W_1 = SSMcoeffs.W_1; clear('SSMcoeffs'); % setup continuation arguments switch parName case 'freq' isomega = true; cont_args = {'om', 'po.period', 'eps'}; case 'amp' isomega = false; cont_args = {'eps', 'po.period', 'om'}; otherwise error('Continuation parameter should be freq or amp'); end if ~isempty(obj.FRCOptions.parSamps) if isomega prob = coco_add_event(prob, 'PS','om',obj.Options.parSamps); else prob = coco_add_event(prob, 'PS','eps',obj.Options.parSamps); end end isuniform = false; if strcmp(obj.FRCOptions.sampStyle, 'uniform') isuniform = true; if isomega nOmega = obj.FRCOptions.nPar; omSamp = linspace(parRange(1),parRange(2), nOmega); prob = coco_add_event(prob, 'UZ', 'om', omSamp); else nEpsilon = obj.FRCOptions.nPar; epSamp = linspace(parRange(1),parRange(2), nEpsilon); prob = coco_add_event(prob, 'UZ', 'eps', epSamp); end end runid = coco_get_id(oid, 'po'); fprintf('\n Run=''%s'': Continue periodic orbits with initial solution.\n', ... runid); % coco run coco(prob, runid, [], 1, cont_args, parRange);
extract results of reduced dynamics at sampled frequencies
FRC = po_reduced_results(runid,ispolar,isomega,mFreqs,obj.FRCOptions.nt,isuniform);
map torus back to physical system
fprintf('\n FRCs from =''%s'': generating torus in physical domain.\n', ... runid); % flag for saving ICs (used for numerical integration) if numel(varargin)==2 saveICflag = strcmp(varargin{2},'saveICs'); elseif numel(varargin)==1 saveICflag = strcmp(varargin{1},'saveICs'); else saveICflag = false; end if saveICflag Z0_frc = []; % initial state end timeFRCPhysicsDomain = tic; % Loop around a resonant mode nlab = numel(FRC.lab); zTr = cell(nlab,1); om =; epsf = FRC.ep; nSeg = FRC.nSeg; noutdof = numel(outdof); for j = 1:nlab % compute non-autonomous SSM coefficients obj.System.Omega = om(j); if isomega switch obj.Options.contribNonAuto case 'keep' if isempty(obj.E) obj.choose_E(modes); end [W_1, R_1] = obj.compute_perturbed_whisker(order); R_10 = R_1{1}.coeffs; assert(~isempty(R_10), 'Near resonance does not occur, you may tune tol'); f = R_10((kNonauto-1)*2*m+2*iNonauto-1); assert(norm(f-rNonauto)<1e-3*norm(f), 'inner resonance assumption does not hold'); fprintf('the forcing frequency %.4d is nearly resonant with the eigenvalue %.4d + i%.4d\n',... om(j), fdata.lamdRe(1),fdata.lamdIm(1)) case 'delete' W_1 = []; end end % Forced response in physical Coordinates qTrj = FRC.qTr{j}; tTrj = FRC.tTr{j}; nt = numel(tTrj); numSegs = nSeg(j); Zout_frc = zeros(nt,noutdof,numSegs); for k=1:numSegs xbp = qTrj(:,:,k); xbp = xbp'; x_comp = xbp(1:2:end-1,:)+1i*xbp(2:2:end,:); state = zeros(dim, nt); % state state(1:2:end-1,:) = x_comp; state(2:2:end,:) = conj(x_comp); [~, Zout, ~,Zic] = compute_full_response_traj(W_0, W_1, epsf(j), tTrj, state, om(j), outdof); Zout_frc(:,:,k) = Zout'; end zTr{j} = Zout_frc; if saveICflag Z0_frc = [Z0_frc Zic]; % initial state end end
Record output
FRC.zTr = zTr; if saveICflag FRC.Z0_frc = Z0_frc; % initial state end FRC.timeFRCPhysicsDomain = toc(timeFRCPhysicsDomain); FRC.SSMorder = order; FRC.SSMnonAuto = obj.Options.contribNonAuto; FRC.SSMispolar = ispolar; fdir = fullfile(pwd,'data',runid,'SSMpo.mat'); save(fdir, 'FRC');