Nonautonomous first order leading terms
function [W1,R1,varargout] = nonAut_1stOrder_leadTerms(W1,R1,data)
This function computes the leading order, parametrisation-coordinate independent parts of the non-autonomous SSM using the second order system computation routine.
[W1,R1, varagout] = NONAUT_1STORDER_LEADTERMS(W1,R1, data)
- W1: non-autonomous SSM coefficients
- R1: non-autonomous RD coefficients
- data: data struct containing necessary information for computation
- W1: non-autonomous SSM coefficients
- R1: non-autonomous RD coefficients
- varargout:information concering the solution time of the inv. equation.
% Unpack variables Omega = data.Omega; nKappa = data.nKappa; N = data.N; l = data.l; kappas = data.kappas; % System matrices A = data.A; B = data.B; FEXT = data.FEXT; % Manifold variables W_M = data.W_M; V_M = data.V_M;
Solving for coefficients with k=0
The coefficient equation for this case reads
% Finding all force contributions at zeroth order
[F_0, idx_0] = zeroth_order_forcing(nKappa,N,FEXT);
Find resonant terms
[ev_idx, harm_idx,~] = nonAut_resonant_terms([],kappas(:,idx_0),data,'zero'); % contains harmonic idx. r_ext = length(ev_idx);
Set reduced dynamics
These sets now determine the bases of the near left kernel of the coefficient matrices onto which we project the RHS of the coefficient equation and set it equal zero. This gives the explicit expression for the reduced dynamics coefficients.
if r_ext Q_0 = sparse(ev_idx,harm_idx,sum(conj(W_M(:,ev_idx)).* F_0(:,idx_0(harm_idx))), l,numel(idx_0)); RHS = B*V_M*Q_0 - F_0(:,idx_0); else Q_0 = sparse(l,nKappa); RHS = - F_0(:,idx_0); end varargout{2} = -RHS; % to be used in optimization
Solve for the order zeroth order SSM-coefficients W1, R1
run_idx = 1; for j= idx_0 R1(j).R(1).coeffs = Q_0(:,run_idx); R1(j).R(1).ind = sparse(l,1); run_idx = run_idx + 1; end soltic = tic; if data.NonAuto % whether to ignore higher order kappas_0 = kappas(:,idx_0); [redConj,mapConj] = nonAut_conj_red(kappas_0, F_0(:,idx_0)); for j = 1:numel(redConj) C_j = A - 1i*dot(Omega,kappas_0(:,redConj(j)))*B ; W10j = solveinveq(C_j,RHS(:,redConj(j)),data.solver); mapj = mapConj{j}; switch numel(mapj) case 1 W1(idx_0(mapj(1))).W(1).coeffs = W10j; W1(idx_0(mapj(1))).W(1).ind = sparse(l,1); case 2 W1(idx_0(mapj(1))).W(1).coeffs = W10j; W1(idx_0(mapj(2))).W(1).coeffs = conj(W10j); W1(idx_0(mapj(1))).W(1).ind = sparse(l,1); W1(idx_0(mapj(2))).W(1).ind = sparse(l,1); otherwise error('there exist redundancy in kappa of external forcing'); end end end soltime = toc(soltic); varargout{1}= soltime;
end function [F_0, idx_0] = zeroth_order_forcing(nKappa,N,FEXT) % Finding all force contributions at zeroth order F_0 = zeros(N,nKappa); for i = 1:nKappa if ~isempty( F_0(:,i)=; % each column corresponds to one kappa end end idx_0 = find(any(F_0~=0)); % index for all kappas that contribute at zeroth order end