Second order autonomous SSM
function [R_0i,W_0i,varargout] = Aut_2ndOrder_SSM(WR,Fn,data,Mass,Damp,Stiff)
This function computes the autonomous SSM at order k using the second order system algorithm for SSM computation.
[R_0i,W_0i,varargout] = AUT_2NDORDER_SSM(WR,Fn,data,Mass,Damp,Stiff)
- WR: product of SSM and RD coefficients that contribute at order k
- Fn: internal force composed with SSM evaluated at order k
- data: data struct containing necessary information for computation
- Mass: Mass matrix of system
- Damp: Damping matrix of system
- Stiff: Stiffness matrix of system
- R_0i: order k autonomous reduced dynamics
- W_0i: order k autonomous SSM coefficients
- varargout:information concerning the computation times.
%retrieve inputs [z_k,l,N,K,Lambda_M_vector,solver,reltol] = deal(data.z_k,data.l,data.N,data.K,data.Lambda_M_vector,data.solver,data.reltol); THETA = data.W_M(1:(N/2),:); PHI = data.V_M(1:(N/2),:); Ym = -( Damp * WR(1:(N/2),:) + Mass * WR((N/2+1):end,:)) - Fn(1:(N/2),:); Vm = - WR(1:(N/2),:); Lambda_K = sum(K.*Lambda_M_vector); [I,F] = Aut_resonant_terms(Lambda_M_vector,Lambda_K,reltol); % F contains multi-index positions
Analytic Reduced dynamics
[Rk] = Aut_2ndOrder_RedDyn(I,F,THETA,PHI,Damp,Lambda_K,Lambda_M_vector, Mass,Vm,Ym,l,z_k); w_0i = zeros(N/2,z_k); w_0idot = zeros(N/2,z_k); eqtoc = 0; for f = 1:z_k L_k = ( Mass * ((Lambda_K(f) + Lambda_M_vector.') .* PHI) + Damp*PHI ) * Rk(:,f); L_k = L_k + Lambda_K(f)*Mass*Vm(:,f) + Ym(:,f); C_k = -(Stiff + Lambda_K(f)*Damp + Lambda_K(f)^2 *Mass ); eqf = tic; if any(L_k) w_0i(:,f) = solveinveq(C_k,L_k,solver); end eqtoc = eqtoc+toc(eqf); w_0idot(:,f) = Lambda_K(f) * w_0i(:,f) + PHI * Rk(:,f) + Vm(:,f); end %}
Bordered approach
%{ w_0i_test = zeros(N/2,z_k); w_0idot_test = zeros(N/2,z_k); Rk_test = zeros(l,z_k); eqtoc = 0; for f = 1:z_k L_k = Lambda_K(f)*Mass*Vm(:,f) + Ym(:,f); C_k = -(Stiff + Lambda_K(f)*Damp + Lambda_K(f)^2 *Mass ); eqf = tic; if ismember(f,F) && any(L_k) THETA_f = THETA(:,I(F==f)); PHI_f = PHI(:,I(F==f)); C11 = -C_k; C12 = ( Mass * ((Lambda_K(f) + Lambda_M_vector(I(F==f)).') .* PHI_f) + Damp*PHI_f ); C21 = THETA_f' .* ((Lambda_K(f) + Lambda_M_vector(I(F==f))) )*Mass + THETA_f' * Damp ; C22 = THETA_f' * Mass * PHI_f ; C_k = [ C11 , C12 ; C21 , C22 ]; Lend = - THETA_f' * Mass * Vm(:,f); L_k = [-L_k; Lend]; sol = solveinveq(C_k,L_k,solver); w_0i_test(:,f) = sol(1:end-1); Rk_test(I(F==f),f) = sol(end); elseif any(L_k) w_0i_test(:,f) = solveinveq(C_k,L_k,solver); end eqtoc = eqtoc+toc(eqf); w_0idot_test(:,f) = Lambda_K(f) * w_0i_test(:,f) + PHI * Rk(:,f) + Vm(:,f); end %}
Prepare output
W_0i = [w_0i;w_0idot]; R_0i = Rk; rdtoc = 0; varargout{1} = eqtoc; varargout{2} = rdtoc;