Nonautonomous mixed terms from the time derivative
function [WR] = nonAut_W1R0_plus_W0R1(data,k,W0,W1,R0,R1)
This function computes the multiplication of SSM coefficients and reduced dynamics coefficients, collecting all resulting terms that correspond to the set of multi-indices of order k. These compositions are first order terms, so it is either non-aut Red. Dyn and aut. SSM coefficients or vice versa that are multiplied.
[Fk]= NONAUT_W1R0_PLUS_W0R1(F,W,nl_order,K,data)
- R0: autonomous Reduced Dynamics Coefficients
- W0: autonomous SSM coefficients
- R1: non-autonomous Reduced Dynamics Coefficients
- W1: non-autonomous SSM coefficients
- k: order of computation
- data: struct containing necessary information for the computation
- WR: Composed terms W1R0 + W0R1 |_k
z_k = nchoosek(k+data.l-1,data.l-1); W1R0 = sparse(data.N,z_k); W0R1 = sparse(data.N,z_k); % Terms with non_aut SSM coefficients data.mix = 'W1'; for m = 1:k % includes the zeroth order of W1, no order k non-aut SSM coeffs W1(k+1) if ~isempty(W1.W(m).coeffs) W1R0 = W1R0 + coeffs_mixed_terms(k,m, W1.W, R0,data,'W1'); end end % Terms with non_aut reduced dynamics (in epsilon) data.mix = 'R1'; for m = 2:k+1 % zeroth order in R1, no order k red. dyn. if ~isempty(R1.R(k-m+2).coeffs) W0R1 = W0R1 + coeffs_mixed_terms(k,m, W0,R1.R,data,'R1'); end end WR = W0R1+W1R0;