Linear response
function [response,Znorm,Aout] = linear_response(DS,omegas)
This function calculates the forced response curve of linear part of dynamical system DS. The forced responses are calcuated at a collection of sampled omegas.
- [response,Znorm,Aout] = linear_response(DS,omegas)
- response: a cell array of periodic orbits
- Znorm: L2 norm of trajectory (for the whole state)
- Aout: amplitude at outdof
nOmega = length(omegas);
response = cell(nOmega,1);
Znorm = zeros(nOmega,1);
Aout = zeros(nOmega,1);
nt = 128;
phi = linspace(0,2*pi,nt);
outdof = DS.Options.outDOF;
for j = 1:nOmega
if DS.order==2 x_kappa = zeros(DS.n,DS.nKappa); for k = 1:DS.nKappa kOmega = * omegas(j); if k==1 x_kappa(:,k) = (-kOmega^2 * DS.M + 1i * kOmega * DS.C + DS.K)\; else x_kappa(:,k) = conj(x_kappa(:,k-1)); end end response{j} = DS.fext.epsilon * real( x_kappa * exp(1i * DS.kappas * phi)); else z_kappa = zeros(DS.N,DS.nKappa); for k = 1:DS.nKappa kOmega = * omegas(j); z_kappa(:,k) = (DS.A-1i*kOmega*DS.B)\; end response{j} = DS.Fext.epsilon * real( z_kappa * exp(1i * DS.kappas * phi)); end
Znorm(j) = norm(response{j},'fro')/sqrt(nt-1); if ~isempty(outdof) Aout(j) = norm( response{j}(outdof,:),'inf'); end