function redSamp = po_reduced_results(runid,ispolar,isomega,mFreqs,nt,isuniform)
This function extract results of reduced dynamics at
sampled forcing frequencies/amplitudes in continuation of periodic orbits
- runid: id of continuation run of equilibrium points
- ispolar: coordinate representation of reduced dynamics
- isomega: is the continuation parameter forcing frequency
- mFreqs: internal resonance relation vector
- nt: number of time points for discretizing trajectory
- isuniform: is sampling style of omega/epsilon 'uniform'
extract results of reduced dynamics at sampled frequency/forcing
bd = coco_bd_read(runid); if isuniform labs = coco_bd_labs(bd, 'UZ'); else labs = coco_bd_labs(bd,'all'); end nlab = numel(labs); sols = cell(nlab,1); if isempty(isomega) stab = nan; else stab = false(nlab,1); end omeg = zeros(nlab,1); epsf = zeros(nlab,1); for k = 1:nlab sol = po_read_solution('',runid, labs(k)); if ~isempty(isomega) stab(k) = all(abs(sol.po_test.la)<1); end omeg(k) = sol.p(1); epsf(k) = sol.p(2); sols{k} = sol; end redSamp = struct(); redSamp.om = omeg; redSamp.st = stab; redSamp.ep = epsf; redSamp.lab = labs;
plot continuation path in normal coordinates
thm = struct( 'special', {{'SN', 'TR', 'PD'}}); thm.SN = {'LineStyle', 'none', 'LineWidth', 2, ... 'Color', 'cyan', 'Marker', 'o', 'MarkerSize', 8, 'MarkerEdgeColor', ... 'cyan', 'MarkerFaceColor', 'white'}; thm.TR = {'LineStyle', 'none', 'LineWidth', 2, ... 'Color', 'black', 'Marker', 's', 'MarkerSize', 8, 'MarkerEdgeColor', ... 'black', 'MarkerFaceColor', 'white'}; thm.PD = {'LineStyle', 'none', 'LineWidth', 2, ... 'Color', 'red', 'Marker', 'd', 'MarkerSize', 8, 'MarkerEdgeColor', ... 'black', 'MarkerFaceColor', 'white'}; if isempty(isomega) figure; coco_plot_bd(runid, 'om', 'eps'); grid on; box on; set(gca,'LineWidth',1.2); set(gca,'FontSize',14); xlabel('$$\Omega$$','interpreter','latex','FontSize',16); ylabel('$$\epsilon$$','interpreter','latex','FontSize',16); else if isomega figure; subplot(2,1,1); coco_plot_bd(thm, runid, 'om', 'po.period'); grid on; box on; set(gca,'LineWidth',1.2); set(gca,'FontSize',12); xlabel('$$\Omega$$','interpreter','latex','FontSize',16); ylabel('$T$','interpreter','latex','FontSize',16); subplot(2,1,2); coco_plot_bd(thm, runid, 'om', '||x||_{2,D}'); grid on; box on; set(gca,'LineWidth',1.2); set(gca,'FontSize',12); xlabel('$$\Omega $$','interpreter','latex','FontSize',16); ylabel('$$\|x-\bar{x}\|_{\mathcal{L}_2[0,1]}$$','interpreter','latex','FontSize',16); else figure; subplot(2,1,1); coco_plot_bd(thm, runid, 'eps', 'po.period'); grid on; box on; set(gca,'LineWidth',1.2); set(gca,'FontSize',12); xlabel('$$\epsilon $$','interpreter','latex','FontSize',16); ylabel('$$T$$','interpreter','latex','FontSize',16); subplot(2,1,2); coco_plot_bd(thm, runid, 'eps', '||x||_{2,D}'); grid on; box on; set(gca,'LineWidth',1.2); set(gca,'FontSize',12); xlabel('$$\epsilon $$','interpreter','latex','FontSize',16); ylabel('$$||x-\bar{x}||_{\mathcal{L}_2[0,1]}$$','interpreter','latex','FontSize',16); end end
construct torus in reduced system using interpolation of periodic cycle
disp('Constructing torus in reduced dynamical system'); qTr = cell(nlab,1); tTr = cell(nlab,1); nSeg = zeros(nlab,1); dim = size(sol.xbp,2); for i=1:numel(labs) soli = sols{i}; tbp = soli.tbp; xbp = soli.xbp; om = soli.p(1); Ti = soli.T; assert(abs(om-omeg(i))<1e-3*omeg(i), 'Read wrong solution from data'); fprintf('Interpolation at (omega,epsilon) = (%d,%d)\n', om, soli.p(2)); tsamp = linspace(0,2*pi/om/min(mFreqs),nt); numSegs = numel(tbp); ys = zeros(nt,dim,numSegs); for k=1:numSegs % shift tsamp such that the initial time is the same as % tbp(k) tsampk = tsamp+tbp(k); tsampk = mod(tsampk,Ti); % mod with the period of the periodic cycle xk = interp1(tbp, xbp, tsampk, 'pchip'); % Update basepoint values if ispolar zk = xk(:,1:2:end-1).*exp(1j*xk(:,2:2:end)); else zk = xk(:,1:2:end-1)+1j*xk(:,2:2:end); end zk = zk.*exp(1j*(om*mFreqs.*tsamp')); ys(:,1:2:end-1,k) = real(zk); ys(:,2:2:end,k) = imag(zk); end qTr{i} = ys; tTr{i} = tsamp; nSeg(i) = numSegs; end redSamp.qTr = qTr; redSamp.tTr = tTr; redSamp.nSeg = nSeg;
plot a sample of torus
The torus corresponds to the priodic orbit with maximmal deviation of the time-rescaled periodic orbit from its state-space mean
disp('Illustration of the construction of torus in reduced dynamical system'); if isuniform idxpo = coco_bd_idxs(bd, 'UZ'); else idxpo = coco_bd_idxs(bd, 'all'); end radius = coco_bd_col(bd, '||x||_{2,D}'); [~,idxMaxRadius] = max(radius(idxpo)); labMaxRadius = labs(idxMaxRadius); labMaxRadius = find(labMaxRadius==labs); ys = qTr{labMaxRadius}; numSegs = nSeg(labMaxRadius); fprintf('Visualization of torus at (omega,epsilon)=(%d,%d)\n',... omeg(labMaxRadius),epsf(labMaxRadius)); % visualization of quasi-periodic trajectories ya = ys(1,:,:); ya = reshape(ya,[dim,numSegs]); ytube = permute(ys,[3 1 2]); figure; hold on dnum = round(numSegs/64); if dim<3 % plot of x1-t-x2 ts = tTr{labMaxRadius}; ts = repmat(ts, [numSegs,1]); h = surf(ytube(:,:,1),ts, ytube(:,:,2)); else h = surf(ytube(:,:,1),ytube(:,:,2),ytube(:,:,3)); end set(h,'edgecolor','none') % set(h, 'facecolor', [0.5 0.8 0.8]) set(h,'FaceAlpha',0.5); view([1,1,1]) grid on set(gca,'LineWidth',1.2); set(gca,'FontSize',14); if dim<3 xlabel('$$\mathrm{Re}(z_1)$$','interpreter','latex','FontSize',16); ylabel('$t$','interpreter','latex','FontSize',16); zlabel('$$\mathrm{Im}(z_1)$$','interpreter','latex','FontSize',16); plot3(ya(1,:),ts(:,1)',ya(2,:),'b-','LineWidth',2); for k=1:dnum:numSegs yk = ys(:,:,k); plot3(yk(1,1),ts(k,1),yk(1,2),'ko','LineWidth',3); plot3(yk(:,1),ts(k,:)',yk(:,2),'k-'); plot3(yk(end,1),ts(k,end),yk(end,2),'bo','LineWidth',3); pause(0.2) end else xlabel('$$\mathrm{Re}(z_1)$$','interpreter','latex','FontSize',16); ylabel('$$\mathrm{Im}(z_1)$$','interpreter','latex','FontSize',16); zlabel('$$\mathrm{Re}(z_2)$$','interpreter','latex','FontSize',16); plot3(ya(1,:),ya(2,:),ya(3,:),'b-','LineWidth',2); for k=1:dnum:numSegs yk = ys(:,:,k); plot3(yk(1,1),yk(1,2),yk(1,3),'ko','LineWidth',3); plot3(yk(:,1),yk(:,2),yk(:,3),'k-'); plot3(yk(end,1),yk(end,2),yk(end,3),'bo','LineWidth',3); pause(0.2) end end % visualization of evoluation of closed curves figure; hold on if dim<3 h = surf(ytube(:,:,1),ts, ytube(:,:,2)); else h = surf(ytube(:,:,1),ytube(:,:,2),ytube(:,:,3)); end set(h,'edgecolor','none') set(h,'FaceAlpha',0.5); view([1,1,1]) grid on set(gca,'LineWidth',1.2); set(gca,'FontSize',14); if dim<3 xlabel('$\mathrm{Re}(z_1)$','interpreter','latex','FontSize',16); ylabel('$t$','interpreter','latex','FontSize',16); zlabel('$\mathrm{Im}(z_1)$','interpreter','latex','FontSize',16); for k=[1,round(nt/64):round(nt/64):nt-1, nt] yk = ys(k,:,:); yk = reshape(yk,[dim,numSegs]); if k==1 || k==nt plot3(yk(1,:),ts(:,k)',yk(2,:),'b-','LineWidth',2); pause(0.1) else plot3(yk(1,:),ts(:,k)',yk(2,:),'r-'); pause(0.1) end end else xlabel('$\mathrm{Re}(z_1)$','interpreter','latex','FontSize',16); ylabel('$\mathrm{Im}(z_1)$','interpreter','latex','FontSize',16); zlabel('$\mathrm{Re}(z_2)$','interpreter','latex','FontSize',16); for k=[1,round(nt/64):round(nt/64):nt-1, nt] yk = ys(k,:,:); yk = reshape(yk,[dim,numSegs]); if k==1 || k==nt plot3(yk(1,:),yk(2,:),yk(3,:),'b-','LineWidth',2); pause(0.1) else plot3(yk(1,:),yk(2,:),yk(3,:),'r-'); pause(0.1) end end end