function [Fk] = fnl_nonIntrusive(F,W,nl_order,K,data)
This function computes the nonlinear contributions to the invariance equation for multi indices in set K, given a non-intrusive function handle. This function assumes the displacement parametrisation to be in the first n entries of the full SSM parametrisation, ie a first order system of the form z = [x ; dot(x)]
[Fk]= FNL_NONINTRUSIVE(F,W,nl_order,K,data)
- F: non-intrusive function handle for the nonlinearity
- W: autonomous SSM coefficients
- nl_order: order of nonlinearity considered
- K: set of multi indices at current order of computation
- data: struct containing necessary information for the computation
- Fk: F composed with aut SSM parametrisation W, contributions at order K
switch data.ordering case 'revlex' [Fk] = nl_revlex(F,W,nl_order,K,data); case 'conjugate' [Fk] = nl_conj(F,W,nl_order,K,data); end
end function [Fk] = nl_conj(F,W,nl_order,K,multi_input) N = size(W(1).coeffs,1); z_k = size(K,2); Fk = sparse(N,z_k); l = multi_input.l; ordering = multi_input.ordering; revlex2conj = multi_input.revlex2conj; % Conjugate center indices Z_cci = multi_input.Z_cci; % dimensionality of input vector for nonlinearity mx_idx = multi_input.nl_input_dim; % If SSM dimension is uneven, overrule and use full system dimension if rem(N,2) == 1 mx_idx = N; end for m = 1:z_k % Redundantly also computes combos with zero vectors % Only computes one version of all permutations for each combination [g,~,~,~,~] = multi_nsumk(nl_order,K(:,m),'unique'); g = g{1}; Fk_m = sparse(N,1); % Loop over all partitions of m for i = 1:size(g,3) gi = g(:,:,i); h_abs = sum(g(:,:,i)); % Check if any multi-index in set is all zero if any(h_abs == 0) continue else h_idx = multi_index_2_ordering(g(:,:,i),ordering,revlex2conj); vectors = cell(nl_order,1); % Check for all zero SSM coefficient vector emptyflag = false; %[vectors{:}] = deal(W(h_abs).coeffs); for j = 1:nl_order % check if conjugate multi-index is to be used if h_idx(j) > Z_cci(h_abs(j)) z_ord = nchoosek(h_abs(j)+l-1,l-1); vectors{j} = conj(W(h_abs(j)).coeffs(1:mx_idx,z_ord -h_idx(j) +1 )); else vectors{j} = W(h_abs(j)).coeffs(1:mx_idx,h_idx(j)); end if isempty(vectors{j}) emptyflag = true; continue end end if emptyflag % no contribution of nl continue end Fk_m = Fk_m+ StEP(F, vectors, gi, nl_order ); end end Fk(:,m) = Fk_m; end Fk = double(Fk); end function [G] = nl_revlex(F,W,nl_order,K,multi_input) N = size(W(1).coeffs,1); z_k = size(K,2); G = sparse(N,z_k); ordering = multi_input.ordering; % dimensionality of input vector for nonlinearity mx_idx = multi_input.nl_input_dim; for m = 1:z_k % Redundantly also computes combos with zero vectors [g,~,~,~,~] = multi_nsumk(nl_order,K(:,m),'unique'); g = g{1}; Gm = sparse(N,1); % Loop over all partitions of m for i = 1:size(g,3) h_abs = sum(g(:,:,i)); gi = g(:,:,i); % Take out combinations which have a zero vector if any(h_abs == 0) continue else % get indices of multi-index set h_idx = multi_index_2_ordering(g(:,:,i),ordering,[]); vectors = cell(nl_order,1); %[vectors{:}] = deal(W(h_abs).coeffs); % Check for all zero SSM coefficient vector emptyflag = false; for j = 1:nl_order vectors{j} = W(h_abs(j)).coeffs(1:mx_idx,h_idx(j)); if isempty(vectors{j}) emptyflag = true; continue end end if emptyflag % One of the SSM coefficient vectors is empty (allzero) so no contribution of nl continue end Gm = Gm+ StEP(F, vectors, gi, nl_order ); end end G(:,m) = Gm; end G = double(G); end