function varargout = SSM_ep2ep(obj,oid,run,lab,parName,parRange,outdof,varargin) % SSM_EP2EP This function performs continuation of equilibrium points of % slow dynamics. Each equilibrium point corresponds to a periodic orbit in % the regular time dynamics. The continuation here starts from a saved % solution. % % FRCIRS = SSM_EP2EP(OBJ,OID,RUN,LAB,PARNAME,PARRANGE,OUTDOF,VARARGIN) % % * |oid|: runid of current continuation % % * |run|: runid of continuation for saved solution % % * |lab|: label of continuation for saved solution % % * |parName|: amp/freq continuation parameter % % * |parRange|: continuation domain of parameter, which should be near the % value of natural frequency with index 1 in the mFreq if continuation % parameter is freq % % * |outdof|: output for dof in physical domain % % * |varargin|: ['saveICs'] flag for saving the initial point in trajectory % % See also: SSM_ISOL2EP SSM_BP2EP SSM_CONT_EP FRC = obj.SSM_cont_ep('ep',oid,run,lab,parName,parRange,outdof,varargin{:}); varargout{1} = FRC; end