Dynamical System Options
classdef DSOptions < matlab.mixin.SetGet %DSOptions Options for DynamicalSystems class properties notation = 'tensor' % 'multiindex' ChooseComplexComp = false % Choose computation to ignore symmetry on manifold; DStype = 'real' % 'complex' whether DS features complex quantities (i.e. in A,B or forcing F) or not Nmax = 100; % maximum dimensionality up to which all eigenvalues would be computed for first order systems Emax = 10; % If all eigenvalues are not computed, then we use only first E_max eigenvalues for checking outer resonance. outDOF = []; % output degree of freedom RayleighDamping = true; % damping matrix of second-order system HarmonicForce = true; % external forcing lambdaThreshold = 1e16; % Threshold for stiff eigenmodes (will be removed) BaseExcitation = false; % harmonic forcing in the form \epsilon\Omega^2 f^{ext}(\Omega t) sigma = 0; % used in eigenvalue computation in eigs (compute Emax eigenvalues around sigma, which is zero by default - smallestabs) RemoveZeros = true; % remove zero eigenvalues in linear spectral analysis (false if parameter-dependent SSM/LSM is computed) Intrusion = 'full' % 'full', 'semi', 'none' Computation of manifold done in a nonintrusive manner end methods function set.notation(obj,notation) switch lower(notation) case 'tensor' obj.notation = 'tensor'; case 'multiindex' obj.notation = 'multiindex'; otherwise error('Unknown notation type: set tensor or multiindex notation types') end end end end