Check computation type
function [COMPtype, DStype] = check_COMPtype(obj)
Check if the SSM computation should be carried out using the first order formalism. This may be due to user input, a complex valued dynamical system that is underlying, for 1-dimensional SSMs. Furthermore this function checks whether the symmetries in conjugate multi-indices can be taken advantage of, which is only possible for real dynamical systems
By default, COMPtype is set to 'first'. In general, for second order systems the user may choose, which computation approach he desires to use. Some cases do however demand the first order computation. In the following we ensure, that in these cases no second order computations are performed.
[COMPtype, DStype] = CHECK_COMPTYPE(obj)
- obj: instance of the DS class
- COMPtype: string that determines which algorithm is used
- DStype: string that determines whether DS is real or complex/SSM is 1D
See also: DynamicalSystem
DStype = checkDStype(obj); if obj.System.order == 1 % First order system -> first order computation COMPtype = 'first'; elseif strcmp(obj.Options.COMPtype,'second') % Second order system with second order computation. if strcmp(DStype,'complex') % Complex dynamical systems are only supported in first order % computation fprintf('\n Second order SSM computation only supported for real systems, using first order algorithm. \n') COMPtype = 'first'; else COMPtype = 'second'; %second order computation can be performed end else % Second order system with default first order computation COMPtype = 'first'; end if obj.dimManifold == 1 % System is not complex but computational routine works exactly the % same for 1D SSM as for complex DS fprintf('\n Computation of 1D SSM is performed using first order algorithm. \n') COMPtype = 'first'; DStype = 'complex'; end obj.Options.COMPtype = COMPtype; obj.System.Options.DStype = DStype;
end function [DStype] = checkDStype(obj)
Check if System is complex valued
if ~isreal(obj.System.A) || ~isreal(obj.System.B) DStype = 'complex'; fprintf('\n System matrices are complex valued. \n') %elseif ~checkF(obj) % DStype = 'complex'; % fprintf('\n Internal forces are complex valued. \n') else DStype = 'real'; end
end function [indicator] = checkF(obj) d = length(obj.System.F) ; for j = 1:d if ~isreal(obj.System.F(j).coeffs) indicator = false; return end end indicator = true; end