Plot of 2d atlas
function plot_atlas_2d(runid, varargin)
Skeletal visualization of one- and two-dimensional atlases
ATLAS - Manifold atlas.
- OPT = ('polyhedra' | 'basepoints' | 'spheres')
- DIM - Embedding dimension.
- ICS1, ICS2, ICS3 - active continuation parameter indices for graphing
This file is part of the atlas_kd toolbox, copyright (C) Michael Henderson, Frank Schilder, Harry Dankowicz, Erika Fotsch, of the package COCO (
atlas = coco_bd_read(runid, 'atlas'); charts = atlas.charts; if ischar(varargin{end}) assert(any(strcmpi(varargin{end}, ... {'polyhedra', 'basepoints', 'spheres'})), 'Unsupported plotting type'); opt = varargin{end}; varargin(end) = []; else opt = 'polyhedra'; end num=0; colors_chart = {'magenta',[0.7 0.7 0.7]}; dim = length(varargin); switch dim case 1 dim = varargin{1}; ics1 = 1; ics2 = 2; ics3 = 3; case 2 [ics1, ics2] = deal(varargin{:}); case 3 [ics1, ics2, ics3] = deal(varargin{:}); otherwise error('%s: wrong dimension', mfilename); end hold on switch dim case 2 for i=1:numel(charts) chart = charts{i}; pt = chart.x(chart.ics([ics1 ics2])); if strcmpi(opt, 'basepoints') plot(pt(1), pt(2), 'k.', 'MarkerSize', 12); text(pt(1), pt(2), sprintf('%d',, 'FontSize', 10); end if strcmpi(opt, 'spheres') pts = repmat(chart.x, [1, 2]) + chart.TS*chart.G*chart.R*[1 -1]; pts = pts(chart.ics([ics1 ics2]),:); plot(pts(1,:), pts(2,:), 'ro'); end if chart.P.n>0 && strcmpi(opt, 'polyhedra') pts = repmat(chart.x, [1, 2]) + ... chart.TS*chart.G*[ chart.P.v{1} chart.P.v{2} ]; pts = pts(chart.ics([ics1 ics2]),:); if isempty( plot(pts(1,:), pts(2,:), 'r'); else plot(pts(1,:), pts(2,:), 'b', 'LineWidth', 1.5); end end end case 3 for i=1:numel(charts) chart = charts{i}; pt = chart.x(chart.ics([ics1 ics2 ics3])); if strcmpi(opt, 'basepoints') plot3(pt(1), pt(2), pt(3), 'k.', 'MarkerSize', 6); text(pt(1), pt(2), pt(3), sprintf('%d',, 'FontSize', 5); end if strcmpi(opt, 'spheres') switch size(chart.TS,2) case 2 th=0:0.1:2*pi; pts = repmat(chart.x, [1, numel(th)]) + ... chart.TS*chart.G*chart.R*[cos(th); sin(th)]; pts = pts(chart.ics([ics1 ics2 ics3]),:); if isempty( patch('Faces', 1:numel(th), 'Vertices', pts', ... 'FaceColor', 'green', 'FaceAlpha', 0.4) else patch('Faces', 1:numel(th), 'Vertices', pts', ... 'FaceColor', 'blue', 'FaceAlpha', 0.4) end plot3(pts(1,:), pts(2,:), pts(3,:), 'k', 'LineWidth', 1); case 1 pts = repmat(chart.x, [1, 2]) + ... chart.TS*chart.G*chart.R*[1 -1]; pts = pts(chart.ics([ics1 ics2 ics3]),:); plot3(pts(1,:), pts(2,:), pts(3,:), 'k.'); otherwise end end if chart.P.n>0 && strcmpi(opt, 'polyhedra') num=num+1; switch size(chart.TS,2) case 2 v = cell2mat(chart.P.v); vrts = sortvertices(chart.P); pts = repmat(chart.x, [1, numel(vrts)]) + ... chart.TS*chart.G*v(:, vrts); pts = pts(chart.ics([ics1 ics2 ics3]),:); stb = all(real({1,2}.la)<0); if isempty( patch('Faces', 1:chart.P.n, 'Vertices', pts', ... 'FaceColor', colors_chart{stb+1}, 'FaceAlpha', 0.4, 'EdgeAlpha', 0.4) else patch('Faces', 1:chart.P.n, 'Vertices', pts', ... 'FaceColor', colors_chart{stb+1}, 'FaceAlpha', 0.4, 'EdgeAlpha', 0.4) end case 1 pts = repmat(chart.x, [1, 2]) + ... chart.TS*chart.G*chart.R*[1 -1]; pts = pts(chart.ics([ics1 ics2 ics3]),:); plot3(pts(1,:), pts(2,:), pts(3,:), 'k', 'LineWidth', 1); otherwise end end end otherwise end hold off %num view([20 50]); grid on; box on; set(gca,'FontSize',12); set(gca,'LineWidth',1.2);
end function vs = sortvertices(P) temp = cell2mat(P.faceV'); vs = temp(1,:); lookfor = temp(1,2); temp(1,:) = [0, 0]; for k=2:P.nFaces-1 i = find(lookfor==temp(:,1)); if isempty(i) i = find(lookfor==temp(:,2)); lookfor = temp(i(1),1); else lookfor = temp(i(1),2); end vs(k+1) = lookfor; temp(i(1),:) = [0, 0]; end end