Harmonic Balance
function varargout = harmonic_balance_NLvib(obj,omegaRange,varargin)
This function performs periodic orbit continuation using the
harmonic balance method in the forcing frequency range
This function essentially uses the NLvib
package. optional arguments for NLvib:
: number of harmonics of the forcing frequency to be considered in periodic response approximation
: number of equally spaced time intervals over which the periodic response is approximated in time domain
: the degree of freedom at which the FRC is plotted
: maximum number of continuation steps for NLvib (5000 by default)
: output scaling (only used for plotting)
: continuation step size in NLvib
: qscl parameter of NLvib
: sampling rate (only used for plotting)
startHB = tic; assert(obj.order == 2, 'NLvib can only be used for second-order systems') n = obj.n; % read inputs [nHarmonics, outdof, nt, maxSteps, stepSize, outScale, qScale, nSample] = ... parse_inputs(varargin{:}); % get multi-index coefficients M.coeffs = []; M.ind = []; for j = 1:numel(obj.fnl) M.coeffs = cat(2,M.coeffs,obj.fnl(j).coeffs); M.ind = cat(1,M.ind,obj.fnl(j).ind); end coefficients = M.coeffs; powers = M.ind; % forcing shape vector assuming single harmonic cosine forcing f_ext = obj.fext.epsilon * real(sum([obj.fext.data(1).f_n_k(1).coeffs,obj.fext.data(2).f_n_k(1).coeffs],2)); system = System_with_PolynomialStiffnessNonlinearity(obj.M,obj.C,obj.K,full(powers),coefficients.',f_ext); % Analysis parameters omegaStart = omegaRange(1); % start frequency omegaEnd = omegaRange(end); % end frequency analysis = 'FRF'; % Initial guess (solution of linearized system) Q1 = (-omegaStart^2*system.M + 1i*omegaStart*system.D + system.K)\system.Fex1; y0 = zeros((2*nHarmonics+1)*n,1); y0(n + (1:2*n)) = [real(Q1); -imag(Q1)]; % Solve and continue w.r.t. Om options = struct('Dscale',[qScale*ones(size(y0));omegaStart],'stepmax',maxSteps, 'dsmin',stepSize/100); [X,solInfo] = solve_and_continue(y0,... @(X) HB_residual(X,system,nHarmonics,nt,analysis),... omegaStart,omegaEnd,stepSize,options); % save and plot solution [X, Omega] = deal(X(1:end-1,:), X(end,:)); save('HB.mat', 'X', 'Omega', 'nHarmonics', 'solInfo') if outdof [varargout{1}, varargout{2}] = plot_HB_sol(X, Omega, nHarmonics,nt,outdof,outScale,nSample); end totalComputationTime = toc(startHB); disp(['Total time spent on FRC computation using harmonic balance via NLvib = ' datestr(datenum(0,0,0,0,0,totalComputationTime),'HH:MM:SS')])
end function [nHarmonics, outdof, nt, maxSteps, stepSize, outScale, ... qScale, nSample] = parse_inputs(varargin)
parsing inputs
defaultnHarmonics = 10; defaultoutdof = 0; defaultnt = 2^7; defaultmaxSteps = 5000; defaultstepSize = 1e-2; defaultoutScale = 1; defaultqScale = 7e-1; defaultnSample = 1; p = inputParser; addParameter(p,'nHarmonics',defaultnHarmonics, @(x)validateattributes(x, ... {'numeric'},{'nonempty','integer','positive'}) ); addParameter(p,'maxSteps',defaultmaxSteps, @(x)validateattributes(x, ... {'numeric'},{'nonempty','integer','positive'}) ); addParameter(p,'nt',defaultnt, @(x)validateattributes(x, ... {'numeric'},{'nonempty','integer','positive'}) ); addParameter(p,'outdof',defaultoutdof, @(x)validateattributes(x, ... {'numeric'},{'nonempty','integer','nonnegative'}) ); addParameter(p,'stepSize',defaultstepSize, @(x)validateattributes(x, ... {'numeric'},{'nonempty','positive'}) ); addParameter(p,'outScale',defaultoutScale, @(x)validateattributes(x, ... {'numeric'},{'nonempty','positive'}) ); addParameter(p,'qScale',defaultqScale, @(x)validateattributes(x, ... {'numeric'},{'nonempty','positive'}) ); addParameter(p,'nSample',defaultnSample, @(x)validateattributes(x, ... {'numeric'},{'nonempty','integer','positive'}) ); parse(p,varargin{:}); nHarmonics = p.Results.nHarmonics; outdof = p.Results.outdof; nt = p.Results.nt; maxSteps = p.Results.maxSteps; stepSize = p.Results.stepSize; outScale = p.Results.outScale; qScale = p.Results.qScale; nSample = p.Results.nSample;
end function [Adof,Omega] = plot_HB_sol(X, Omega, H, N, dof, outscale, ns)
This function plots and returns the Amplitude, Frequency values at a given degree of freedom in the system. Input: X - NLVib solution (obtained from continuation) H - Number of harmonics N - Number of time samples used in inverse FFT dof - output DOF in the range 1 to n (total number of DOFs)
n = (size(X,1))/(2*H+1); nOmega = length(Omega); % Vector recovering deflection at dof T_tip = sparse(1,n); T_tip(dof) = 1; Qtip_HB = kron(eye(2*H+1),T_tip)*X; Adof = nan(nOmega,1); for k = 1:ns:nOmega Qdum = Qtip_HB(:,k); Qfft = zeros(H+1,1); Qfft(1)=Qdum(1); for j = 1:H Qfft(j+1) = Qdum(2*j)+1i*Qdum(2*j+1); end Adof(k) = outscale*(N/2)*max(abs(ifft(Qfft,N,'symmetric'))); end hold on plot(Omega,Adof,'kx','MarkerSize',8,'LineWidth',2,'DisplayName','HB-NLvib') legend('show')