Symbolic reduced dynamics
function y = reduced_dynamics_symbolic(lamdMaster,R0,options,varargin)
This function returns vector field in symbolic expression, which can be used for latex documentation. In addition, it write the vector field to a function file in hard disk.
y = reduced_dynamics_symbolic(lamdMaster,R0,type)
- lamdMaster - spectrum of master spectral subspace
- R0 - Reduced dynamics from compute_whisker
- options - a structure array with fields isauto,isdamped and numDigits.
means that only autonomous part of reduced dynamics is considered.
indicates that damping forces are included.
You may set isauto=true and isdamped=false if you study backbone curves.
- numDigits represents the number of digits for coefficients
sympref('FloatingPointOutput',false); lamdRe = real(lamdMaster); lamdIm = imag(lamdMaster); lamdRe = lamdRe(1:2:end-1); lamdIm = lamdIm(1:2:end-1); order = numel(R0); m = numel(lamdRe); beta = cell(m,1); % coefficients - each cell corresponds to one mode kappa = cell(m,1); % exponants % create symbolic array rho = []; theta = []; for k=1:m rho = [rho; sym(['rho_',num2str(k)])]; theta = [theta; sym(['theta_',num2str(k)])]; end % assemble and simplify nonlinear coefficients (when isdamped=false) for k = 2:order R = R0(k); coeffs = R.coeffs; ind = R.ind; if ~isempty(coeffs) for i=1:m betai = coeffs(2*i-1,:); % remove small coefficients Rebetai = real(betai); Imbetai = imag(betai); if ~options.isdamped bounds = max(1e-6*norm(betai),1e-8); Rebetai(abs(Rebetai)<bounds) = 0; Imbetai(abs(Imbetai)<bounds) = 0; end betai = Rebetai+1j*Imbetai; [~,ki,betai] = find(betai); kappai = ind(ki,:); % assemble terms beta{i} = [beta{i} betai]; kappa{i} = [kappa{i}; kappai]; end end end % formualtion of vector field % remove small parts of eigenvalues when isdamped=false if ~options.isdamped lamdRe(abs(lamdRe)<1e-6*norm(lamdMaster)) = 0; lamdIm(abs(lamdIm)<1e-6*norm(lamdMaster)) = 0; end % autonomous part yrho = lamdRe.*rho; yth = sym(lamdIm); em = eye(m); for i=1:m kappai = kappa{i}; kappai = full(kappai); betai = beta{i}; nka = size(kappai,1); nbe = numel(betai); assert(nka==nbe, 'Size of kappa%d and beta%d does not match',i,i); ei = em(i,:); for k=1:nka ka = kappai(k,:); be = betai(k); l = ka(1:2:end-1); j = ka(2:2:end); ang = (l-j-ei)*theta; rhopower = rho.^((l+j)'); pdrho = prod(rhopower,1); yrho(i) = yrho(i)+pdrho*(real(be)*cos(ang)-imag(be)*sin(ang)); yth(i) = yth(i)+pdrho/rho(i)*(real(be)*sin(ang)+imag(be)*cos(ang)); end end % nonautonomous part if ~options.isauto && ~isempty(varargin) syms Omega epsilon assume(epsilon,'real') % preprocessing nonautonomous part R1 = varargin{1}; mFreqs = varargin{2}; kappas = varargin{3}; iNonauto = []; % indices for resonant happens rNonauto = []; % value of leading order contribution kNonauto = []; % (pos) kappa indices with resonance kappa_set= kappas; % each row corresponds to one kappa kappa_pos = kappa_set(kappa_set>0); num_kappa = numel(kappa_pos); % number of kappa pairs for k=1:num_kappa kappak = kappa_pos(k); idm = find(mFreqs(:)==kappak); R_10 = R1.R(1).coeffs; idk = find(kappa_set==kappak); r = R_10(2*idm-1,idk); iNonauto = [iNonauto; idm]; rNonauto = [rNonauto; r]; kNonauto = [kNonauto; idk]; end % add contribution to vector field yth = yth-mFreqs(:)*Omega; for i=1:numel(iNonauto) id = iNonauto(i); r = epsilon*rNonauto(i); rRe = real(r); rIm = imag(r); yrho(id,:) = yrho(id,:)+rRe.*cos(theta(id,:))+rIm.*sin(theta(id,:)); yth(id,:) = yth(id,:)-rRe.*sin(theta(id,:))./rho(id,:)+rIm.*cos(theta(id,:))./rho(id,:); end end % write to y y = [yrho;yth]; y(1:2:end-1) = yrho; y(2:2:end) = yth; y = vpa(y,options.numDigits);