Expand Tensor Derivative
function DS = expand_tensor_derivative(T,p)
This function evaluates the Jacobian of the nonlinearity given by a tensor/sptensor object T at the vector p. This function makes use of the Sandia Tensor Toolbox
if isempty(T) DS = sparse(1,1); return else s1 = size(T,1); % number of rows in the jacobian s2 = length(p); % number of colums in the jacobian if nnz(T)==0 DS = sparse(s1,s2); return end DS = sptensor([s1, s2]); if nnz(T) % only proceed if there are nonzero entries in T n = ndims(T); % To evaluate the Jacobian, we multiply T by p along the last n-1 dims, % taken n-2 at a time and sum the outputs P = cell(1,n-2); P(:) = {p}; DIMS = nchoosek(2:n, n-2); for j = 1:size(DIMS,1) dims = DIMS(j,:); DS = DS + ttv(T,P,dims); end end % convert tensor into a matrix if isa(DS,'sptensor') if ~isempty(DS.subs) DS = sparse(DS.subs(:,1),DS.subs(:,2),DS.vals, s1, s2); else DS = sparse(s1,s2); end else DS = DS.data; end end