
function[W_0_1,R_0_1, multi_input] = coeffs_setup(obj,order,DStype)

SSM_MULTI Setup for the mutli-index calculation

This function checks if the symmetries an be used for SSM computation. This is the case if the inputs $\texttt{A,B,F}$ are all purely real and the eigenvectors are compl. conjugate for complex conjugate eigenvalues , we say the system is real. If this is not the case, then the full coefficients get calculated and we say the system is not (purely) real. This function is designed to distinguish between the case where inherent symmetries are present and the case where there are no such symmetries and then prepare to calculate the SSM coefficients.

If the system is real (the symmetries exist) then only the coefficients up to the conjugate center index (in conjugate ordering) are calculated.


SSM_MULTI Setup for the mutli-index calculation

Lambda_M = sparse(diag(obj.E.spectrum)); % Master Eigenvalues, in order of rev_lex ordering
Lambda_M_vector      = diag(Lambda_M);

V_M = obj.E.basis;          % Left eigenvectors of the modal subspace, order corresponds to rev_lex
W_M = obj.E.adjointBasis;   % Right eigenvectors of the modal subspace
switch DStype
    case 'complex'

No symmetries can be exploited, set up in rev_lex ordering

        W_0_1(1).coeffs = V_M;
        R_0_1(1).coeffs = Lambda_M;
        H{1}  = W_0_1(1).coeffs;

        % Set up array containing index numbers at every order
        l   = size(Lambda_M,1);
        z_k = zeros(1,order);
        for k = 1:order
            z_k(k) = nchoosek(k+l-1,l-1); % At order k, SSM dim l there are z_k(k,l) spatial multi-indices

        multi_input.Z_cci = z_k; %in this case there is no conjugate center index, the full index set is treated
     case 'real'

Setup for System with Symmetries, set up in conj. ordering

To make bookkeeping as easy as possible, the eigenvalues and the corresponding quantities are sorted such that the $l_i$ complex pairs are in the first $2l_i$ positions of the linear reduced dynamics, the $l_r$ real eigenvalues are in the last $l_r$ positions. This is reverted at the end of computation. Sort input according to eigenvalues. Conjugate Evals in the first 2l_i positons, always have to be input in pairs! real ones in l_r last pos.

        im_idx= find(imag(Lambda_M_vector) ~= 0); % pos. of imaginary ev pairs in master modal subspace
        l_i   = length(im_idx)/2;                 % number of imaginary ev pairs in master modal subspace

        r_idx = find(imag(Lambda_M_vector) == 0); % pos. of real eigenvalues in master modal subspace
        l_r   = sum(imag(Lambda_M_vector) == 0);  % number of real eigenvalues in master modal subspace

        % recast input such that first 2li directions correspond to imag. ev. pairs,
        % the last l_r correspond to real eigenvalues.
        new_idx    = [im_idx,r_idx];
        V_M        = V_M     (:,new_idx);
        W_M        = W_M     (:,new_idx);
        Lambda_M   = Lambda_M(:,new_idx);
        Lambda_M_vector = Lambda_M_vector(new_idx);

Conversion of indices and conjugate center index

To convert between conjugate and reverse lexicographical ordering we construct all index sets that do so. If the function computing them is efficient enough storing them will no longer be necessary. For now we keep them in the $\texttt{data}$ field to access them directly.

        % conjugate indices
        %Z_cci    -  conjugate center indices
        %conj2lex -  Set to convert indices from conjugate to rev. lex. ordering
        %lex2conj -  Set to convert indices from rev. lex. to conjugate ordering
        [multi_input] = conjugate_ordering(order,l_r,l_i);

Perparing first order coefficients

We convert the first order reduced dynamics and SSM-coefficients to conjugate ordering to exploit the symmetry in the calculation. Sort input in conjugate ordering

        idx           = multi_input.revlex2conj{1};
        V_M_conj      = V_M(:,idx );    %in conj. ordering
        Lambda_M_conj = Lambda_M(:,idx);  %in conj. ordering

        V_M_conj(:,1:multi_input.Z_cci(1)); % should be removed
        W_0_1(1).coeffs = V_M_conj(:,1:multi_input.Z_cci(1));
        R_0_1(1).coeffs = Lambda_M_conj(:,1:multi_input.Z_cci(1));
        H{1}  = W_0_1(1).coeffs;

multi_input.H = H;
multi_input.W_M = W_M;
multi_input.Lambda_M_vector = Lambda_M_vector;
multi_input.nl_order = numel(obj.System.F);
multi_input.l = size(Lambda_M,2);

function [conjugate] = conjugate_ordering(max_order,l_r,l_i)

Creates conjugate ordered set indices of multi-indices up to order max_order. Conjugate ordering is defined in $\textit{Explicit Kernel Extraction and Proof ofSymmetries of SSM Coefficients - Multi-Indexversion}$


Output for a conjugately ordered set Z, rev. lex ordered set K:

Z_cci    = zeros(1,max_order); % conjugate center index array
revlex2conj = cell(1,max_order);  % index sets converting lex set to conj set
conj2revlex = cell(1,max_order);  % index sets converting conj set to lex set

for k = 1:max_order
    I = conjugate_flip(l_i,l_r);
    % Multi_indices in reverse lexicographical ordering
    K = flip(sortrows(nsumk(l_r+2*l_i,k,'nonnegative')).',2);
    Y = K(I,:);
    Exempt      = all(K-Y==0);
    Y(:,Exempt) = [];

    %Put m,m_c next to each other
    Z          = [K(:,~Exempt);Y];
    Z          = reshape(Z, size(K,1),[]);

    %index out all the combos of m, bar(m) that appear twice
    [~,Z_ia,~] = unique(Z.','rows');
    [~,Z_Ia]   = sort(Z_ia);
    Z     = Z(:,Z_ia(Z_Ia));

    % sort the remaining multi-indices
    idx_1 = 1:2:size(Y,2);
    idx_2 = size(Y,2)-idx_1+1;
    Z     = [Z(:,idx_1),K(:,Exempt),Z(:,idx_2)];

    % conjugate center index
    cci_k = sum(Exempt,2) + length(idx_1);

    % index arrays
    [~,~,conj2lex_k] = intersect(K.',Z.','rows','stable');
    [~,~,lex2conj_k] = intersect(Z.',K.','rows','stable');

    conj2revlex{k} = conj2lex_k.';
    revlex2conj{k} = lex2conj_k.';
    Z_cci(k)    = cci_k;

conjugate.conj2revlex = conj2revlex;
conjugate.revlex2conj = revlex2conj;
conjugate.Z_cci    = Z_cci;
conjugate.l_i      = l_i;
conjugate.l_r      = l_r;

function [idx] = conjugate_flip(l_i,l_r)

This function computes and index array that flips the conjugate coordinate directions Conjugate coordinate directions are defined in $\textit{Explicit Kernel Extraction and Proof ofSymmetries of SSM Coefficients - Multi-Indexversion}$

idx = reshape(1:2*l_i,2,[]);
idx = reshape(flip(idx),1,[]);
idx = [idx,2*l_i+1:(2*l_i+l_r)];