Coco Wrapper Class
classdef cocoWrapper < matlab.mixin.SetGet
This wrapper class allows for embedding a dynamical system struct into a continuation problem structure in coco, and for its consequent analysis with coco.
properties system % dynamical system object nCycles % number of periods in (forward) steady state simulation outdof % out dof for result visualization periodsRatio = 1 % response period / excitation period Options = cocoOptions(); initialGuess = 'forward' % 'linear' branchSwitch = false % true multiFnl = [] end methods % constructor function obj = cocoWrapper(sys, ncyles, outdof) %COCOWRAPPER Construct an instance of this calss obj.system = sys; obj.nCycles = ncyles; obj.outdof = outdof; end function set.initialGuess(obj,initialGuess) switch lower(initialGuess) case 'forward' obj.initialGuess = 'forward'; case 'linear' obj.initialGuess = 'linear'; otherwise error('Unknown omegaSampStyle type: set uniform or nonuniform frequency sampling types') end end % convert fnl from tensor format to multiindex function fnlTensor2Multi(obj) fnl = obj.system.fnl; y = tensor_to_multi_index(fnl); obj.multiFnl = y; end % vector field compatiable to coco - autonomous case f = aut_ode(obj, x, p, data) % vector field compatible to coco - nonautonomous case f = ode_het(obj, t, x, p, data); % internal force in M\ddot{u}+N(u,\dot{u}) = F(t,p) y = Nhan(obj,u,v); % derivative of N w.r.t u y = dNdu(obj,u,v); % derivative of N w.r.t v y = dNdv(obj,u,v); % external force in M\ddot{u}+N(u,\dot{u}) = F(t,p) y = Fext(obj,t,p); % derivative of Fext w.r.t p y = dFextdp(obj,t,p); % setup coco options prob = cocoSet(obj, prob) % extract backbone curve for mode whose natural frequency is % closest to omega among all natural frequencies bd = extract_backbone(obj, omega, varargin) % extract Force Response Curve for given frequency range bd = extract_FRC(obj, omega_range, varargin) % extract Force Response Curve for given frequency range starting % from an initial periodic orbit bd = extract_FRC_fromIC(obj, omega_range,IC,omegaIC ,varargin) % extract FRC using forward simulation bd = forward_FRC(obj, omega_range, varagin) % extract Stability Diagram from full system SD = extract_Stability_Diagram(obj,omRange,epsRange,parName,p0,varargin) % Coco PO Sweeps bds = coco_poSweeps(obj,oid,epSamp,omRange,varargin) end