function [beta,kappa] = check_auto_reduced_dynamics(R_0,order,mFreqs)
Check if autonomous reduced dynamics (factor out exp(i*Omega*t) are set nonzero according to the internal resonances that are present in the autonmous SSM - which is the case for a normal form computation
m = numel(mFreqs); Em = eye(m); beta = cell(m,1); % coefficients - each cell corresponds to one mode kappa = cell(m,1); % exponants for k = 2:order R = R_0(k); coeffs = R.coeffs; ind = R.ind; if ~isempty(coeffs) for i=1:m betai = coeffs(2*i-1,:); [~,ki,betai] = find(betai); kappai = ind(ki,:); % check resonant condition l = kappai(:,1:2:end-1); j = kappai(:,2:2:end); nk = numel(ki); rm = repmat(mFreqs(:)',[nk,1]); flagi = dot(l-j-repmat(Em(i,:),[nk,1]),rm,2); assert(all(flagi==0), 'Reduced dynamics is not consisent with desired IRs'); % assemble terms beta{i} = [beta{i} betai]; kappa{i} = [kappa{i}; kappai]; end end end