Nonautonomous resonant terms
function [E, I_k,K_lambda] = nonAut_resonant_terms(k,kappa,data,order)
This function finds the combinations of frequency multi-indices, master mode eigenvalues and the spatial multi-indices at zeroth and order k that lead to internal resonances.
[E, I_k,K_lambda] = NONAUT_RESONANT_TERMS(k,kappa,data,order)
- k: current order of SSM computation
- kappa: at zeroth order - vector containing all harmonics at higher order - the harmonic for which SSM coefficients are currently computed
- data: data struct containing necessary information for computation
- order: approximation order up until which SSM is computed
- E: indices of the master modes that lead to resonances
- I_k: at zeroth order - index of kappa that leads to resonance at higher orders - index of multi-indices that lead to resonance
- K_lambda: direct product of multi-indices at order k with master mode vector
Omega = data.Omega; Lambda = data.Lambda_M_vector; % master modes eigenvalues l = data.l; % Tolerance for resonances ref = min(abs(Lambda)); abstol = data.reltol * ref; switch order case 'zero'
Find zeroth order resonant terms
We determine the near inner resonances of the coefficient matrix where
holds. The index pairs that fulfill this condition are stored.
% kappa in this case contains all kappas lambda_C_10 = repmat(Lambda,[1,size(kappa,2)]) - 1i*repmat(kappa*Omega,[l 1]); [E, I_k] = find(abs(lambda_C_10)<abstol); K_lambda = []; % I_k contains the frequency index
case 'k'
Find higher order resonant terms
The coefficient matrix for frequency multi-index
shows singularities if the resonance condition
is fulfilled for some
in the master subspace. We therefore have to find all such resonant
%Find the resonances if l > 1 K = flip(sortrows(nsumk(l,k,'nonnegative')).',2); %order k multi-indices else K = k; end z_k = size(K,2); %vector with each element korresponding to summing multi_index k with all master lambdas K_lambda = sum(K .* Lambda); lambda_C_11 = repmat(Lambda,[1,z_k]) - repmat(K_lambda + 1i * (kappa*Omega),[l 1]); [E, I_k] = find(abs(lambda_C_11)<abstol); %I_k indicates the spatial multi-index the resonance corresponds to