Extract FRC from initial condition
function bds = extract_FRC_fromIC(obj, omega_range,IC,omegaIC, varargin)
This function extracts the Frequency Response Curve in a given frequency span using continution package COCO and starting with a given initial condition. This enables continuation of specific branches of response
bds = EXTRACT_FRC_FROMIC(obj, omega_range,IC,omegaIC, varargin)
- obj: SSM class object
- omega_range: range over which FRC is computed
- IC: initial condition of periodic orbit
- omegaIC: frequency of the initial periodic orbit
- varargin: flags to determine whether continuation is to be carried out in epsilon or omega and if FRC is to be plotted
- bds: bifurcation data struct that contains the information on the continuation problems that are investigated
% flag for parName and plotting if numel(varargin)==2 epsflag = true; PlotFRC = varargin{2}; elseif numel(varargin)==1 if islogical(varargin{1}) PlotFRC = varargin{1}; epsflag = false; else PlotFRC = true; epsflag = true; end else epsflag = false; PlotFRC = true; end
initial setup
dir_name = obj.Options.dir_name; N = obj.system.N; n = obj.system.n; omega0 = omegaIC; T0 = 2*pi/omega0*obj.periodsRatio; tf = obj.nCycles*T0; outdof = obj.outdof; epsilon = obj.system.Fext.epsilon; if isempty(obj.system.Omega) obj.system.Omega = omega0; end assert(numel(obj.system.Omega)==1, 'coco run assumes single freq component'); % Initial Guess odefun = @(t,x) obj.ode_het(t,x,[omega0;epsilon]); options = odeset('RelTol', 1e-9, 'AbsTol',1e-9); [t0, x0] = ode45(odefun, [0 T0], IC.', options); % steady state
continuation excitation frequency
setup coco
prob = coco_prob(); prob = cocoSet(obj, prob); prob = coco_set(prob, 'ode', 'autonomous', false); prob = coco_set(prob, 'ode', 'vectorized', true); odefun = @(t,x,p) obj.ode_het(t,x,p); funcs = {odefun}; coll_args = {funcs{:}, t0, x0, {'omega','eps'}, [omega0,epsilon]}; %#ok<CCAT> prob = ode_isol2po(prob, '', coll_args{:}); [data, uidx] = coco_get_func_data(prob, 'po.orb.coll', 'data', 'uidx'); maps = data.coll_seg.maps; omData = struct(); omData.periodsRatio = obj.periodsRatio; prob = coco_add_func(prob, 'OmegaT', @OmegaT, @OmegaT_du, omData, 'zero',... 'uidx', [uidx(maps.T_idx), uidx(maps.p_idx(1))]); % track amplitude of outdof ampdata.dof = outdof; ampdata.zdim = N; numoutdof = numel(outdof); ampNames = cell(1, numel(numoutdof)); for k = 1:numel(outdof) ampNames{k} = strcat('amp',num2str(outdof(k))); end prob = coco_add_func(prob, 'amp', @amplitude, ampdata, 'regular', ampNames,... 'uidx', uidx(maps.xbp_idx), 'remesh', @amplitude_remesh); if ~epsflag cont_args = {1, {'omega' 'po.period' 'eps' ampNames{:}}, [omega_range(1) omega_range(end)]}; else eps_range = varargin{1}; cont_args = {1, {'eps' 'omega' ampNames{:}}, [eps_range(1) eps_range(2)]}; end runname = strcat('FRC',num2str(epsilon)); runid = coco_get_id(dir_name, runname); fprintf('\n Run=''%s'': Continue primary family of periodic orbits.\n', ... runid);
0 dim run to find Periodic Orbit with given Frequency
cont_args = {0, {'omega' 'po.period' 'eps' ampNames{:}}, [omega_range(1) omega_range(end)]}; bdinit = coco(prob, runid, [], cont_args{:});
normal run
if ~epsflag cont_args = {1, {'omega' 'po.period' 'eps' ampNames{:}}, [omega_range(1) omega_range(end)]}; else eps_range = varargin{1}; cont_args = {1, {'eps' 'omega' ampNames{:}}, [eps_range(1) eps_range(2)]}; end EPlab = coco_bd_labs(bdinit, 'EP'); runname = strcat('FRC0',num2str(epsilon)); runid0 = coco_get_id(dir_name, runname); prob = coco_prob(); prob = cocoSet(obj, prob); prob = coco_set(prob, 'ode', 'autonomous', false); prob = coco_set(prob, 'ode', 'vectorized', true); prob = ode_po2po(prob, '', runid, EPlab(1)); [data, uidx] = coco_get_func_data(prob, 'po.orb.coll', 'data', 'uidx'); maps = data.coll_seg.maps; prob = coco_add_func(prob, 'OmegaT', @OmegaT, @OmegaT_du, omData, 'zero',... 'uidx', [uidx(maps.T_idx), uidx(maps.p_idx(1))]); prob = coco_add_func(prob, 'amp', @amplitude, ampdata, 'regular', ampNames,... 'uidx', uidx(maps.xbp_idx), 'remesh', @amplitude_remesh); bd0 = coco(prob, runid0, [], cont_args{:}); % continuation along secondary branch if branch points are detected along % the continuation above. if obj.branchSwitch BPlab = coco_bd_labs(bd0, 'BP'); numBP = numel(BPlab); bds = cell(numBP+1,1); runids = cell(numBP+1,1); bds{1} = bd0; runids{1} = runid; for k=1:numBP runidk = coco_get_id(runid, num2str(k)); prob = coco_prob(); prob = cocoSet(obj, prob); prob = coco_set(prob, 'ode', 'autonomous', false); prob = coco_set(prob, 'ode', 'vectorized', true); prob = ode_BP2po(prob, '', runid, BPlab(k)); [data, uidx] = coco_get_func_data(prob, 'po.orb.coll', 'data', 'uidx'); maps = data.coll_seg.maps; prob = coco_add_func(prob, 'OmegaT', @OmegaT, @OmegaT_du, omData, 'zero',... 'uidx', [uidx(maps.T_idx), uidx(maps.p_idx(1))]); prob = coco_add_func(prob, 'amp', @amplitude, ampdata, 'regular', ampNames,... 'uidx', uidx(maps.xbp_idx), 'remesh', @amplitude_remesh); fprintf('\n Run=''%s'': Continue equilibria along secondary branch.\n', ... runidk); bdk = coco(prob, runidk, [], cont_args{:}); bds{k+1} = bdk; runids{k+1} = runidk; end else numBP = 0; bds = {bd0}; runids = {runid}; end % result visualization % extract results omega = []; epsf = []; stab = logical([]); amp = cell(numoutdof,1); for i=1:numBP+1 bd = bds{i}; omegai = coco_bd_col(bd, 'omega'); epsfi = coco_bd_col(bd, 'eps'); stabi = coco_bd_col(bd, 'eigs')'; stabi = abs(stabi); stabi = all(stabi<1, 2); omega = [omega, omegai]; epsf = [epsf, epsfi]; stab = [stab; stabi]; for j=1:numoutdof ampj = coco_bd_col(bd, ampNames{j}); amp{j} = [amp{j}, ampj]; end end if PlotFRC ustabc = [0.4660 0.6740 0.1880]; stabc = [0.3010 0.7450 0.9330]; % plot results figure(gcf); hold on if numoutdof>1 for k=1:numoutdof subplot(numoutdof,1,k); hold on if ~epsflag plot(omega(stab), amp{k}(stab), '*','color',stabc, 'MarkerSize', 6,'LineWidth',2,'DisplayName','COCO-stable'); plot(omega(~stab), amp{k}(~stab), '*','color',ustabc, 'MarkerSize', 6,'LineWidth',2,'DisplayName','COCO-unstable'); else plot(epsf(stab), amp{k}(stab), '*','color',stabc, 'MarkerSize', 6,'LineWidth',2,'DisplayName','COCO-stable'); plot(epsf(~stab), amp{k}(~stab), '*','color',ustabc, 'MarkerSize', 6,'LineWidth',2,'DisplayName','COCO-unstable'); end end else if ~epsflag plot(omega(stab), amp{1}(stab), '*','color',stabc, 'MarkerSize', 6,'LineWidth',2,'DisplayName','COCO-stable'); plot(omega(~stab), amp{1}(~stab), '*','color',ustabc, 'MarkerSize', 6,'LineWidth',2,'DisplayName','COCO-unstable'); else plot(epsf(stab), amp{1}(stab), '*','color',stabc, 'MarkerSize', 6,'LineWidth',2,'DisplayName','COCO-stable'); plot(epsf(~stab), amp{1}(~stab), '*','color',ustabc, 'MarkerSize', 6,'LineWidth',2,'DisplayName','COCO-unstable'); end end legend('show'); end
end function [data, y] = OmegaT(prob, data, u) %#ok<INUSL> y = u(1)*u(2)-2*pi*data.periodsRatio; % omega*T = 2*pi end function [data, J] = OmegaT_du(prob, data, u) %#ok<INUSL> J = [u(2) u(1)]; end function [data, y] = amplitude(prob, data, u) %#ok<INUSL> xbp = reshape(u, data.zdim, []); y = xbp(data.dof,:); y = max(abs(y),[],2); end function [prob, status, xtr] = amplitude_remesh(prob, data, chart, old_u, old_V) %#ok<INUSD> [colldata, uidx] = coco_get_func_data(prob, 'po.orb.coll', 'data', 'uidx'); maps = colldata.coll_seg.maps; xtr = []; prob = coco_change_func(prob, data, 'uidx', uidx(maps.xbp_idx)); status = 'success'; end function y = ode_het_dfdx(t, x, p) x1 = x(1,:); x2 = x(2,:); p1 = p(1,:); y(1,:) = x2; y(2,:) = -x2-p1.*x1+cos(t); end function y = ode_het_dfdp(t, x, p) x1 = x(1,:); x2 = x(2,:); p1 = p(1,:); y(1,:) = x2; y(2,:) = -x2-p1.*x1+cos(t); end function y = ode_het_dfdt(t, x, p) x1 = x(1,:); x2 = x(2,:); p1 = p(1,:); y(1,:) = x2; y(2,:) = -x2-p1.*x1+cos(t); end