function [p0,z0] = initial_fixed_point(p0,initialSolver,ispolar,odefun,nCycle,m,varargin)
This function construct initial solution to the fixed point of leading-order reduced dynamics. Two methods: forward simulation and optimization, are avaliable to obtain such an initial fixed point.
if numel(varargin)>0 && iscell(varargin{1}) p0 = varargin{1}{1}; z0 = varargin{1}{2}; z0 = z0(:); else if ispolar z0 = 0.1*ones(2*m,1); else z0 = zeros(2*m,1); % solving linear equations % for i=1:numel(iNonauto) % id = iNonauto(i); % r = rNonauto(i); % rRe = real(r); % rIm = imag(r); % ai = fdata.lamdRe(id); % bi = fdata.lamdIm(id)-mFreqs(id)*p0(1); % z0i = [ai -bi;bi ai]\[-rRe;-rIm]; % z0(2*id-1:2*id) = z0i; % end end end % construct initial guess equilibrium points switch initialSolver case 'fsolve' % fsolve to approximate equilibrium fsolveOptions = optimoptions('fsolve','MaxFunctionEvaluations',100000,... 'MaxIterations',1000000,'FunctionTolerance', 1e-10,... 'StepTolerance', 1e-8, 'OptimalityTolerance', 1e-10); z0 = fsolve(@(z) odefun(z,p0),z0,fsolveOptions); case 'forward' % forward simulation to approach equilibirum tspan = [0 nCycle*2*pi/p0(1)]; %nCycle odefw = @(t,z,p) odefun(z,p); opts = odeset('RelTol',1e-2,'AbsTol',1e-4); [~,y0] = ode45(@(t,y) odefw(t,y,p0), tspan, z0, opts); [~,y] = ode45(@(t,y) odefw(t,y,p0), [0 2*pi/p0(1)], y0(end,:)); [~, warnId] = lastwarn; if any(isnan(y(:))) || strcmp(warnId,'MATLAB:ode45:IntegrationTolNotMet') warning('Reduced dynamics with IRs in polar form diverges with [0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1]'); else z0 = y(end,:)'; end end if ispolar % regularize initial solution if it is in polar form z0(2:2:end) = mod(z0(2:2:end),2*pi); % phase angles in [0,2pi] for k=1:m if z0(2*k-1)<0 z0(2*k-1) = -z0(2*k-1); % positive amplitudes z0(2*k) = z0(2*k)+pi; end end end