
function [sigmas] = compute_sigma(n_mat,W ,k,field)

Compute nonautonomous composition coefficients

Compute sigma for every multi-index in n_mat The Sigmas are contributions to the jacobian of the nonlinearity. Details can be found in $\textit{Nonautonomous SSM computation}$

Vectorised computation

K = flip(sortrows(nsumk(field.l,k,'nonnegative')).',2);

sigmas = sigma_vectorized(n_mat,K,W,field);

function [sigma_out] = sigma_vectorized(N,K, W,field)
k = sum(K(:,1));
sigma_out = zeros(size(N,2),size(K,2));

N_abs = sum(N);
One = speye(field.N);

[NOne_base,idx_N_base,idx_One_Base] = multi_subtraction(N,One,'Physical');
for m = 0:k-1 % starting at 0, order k leads to zero pi
    M = W(m+1).ind;
    if ~isempty(M)
        cond = (k-(sum(M(:,1)))) >= N_abs -1;%otherwise pi is zero anyways
        if nnz(cond)>0
            [KM,idx_K,idx_M] = multi_subtraction(K,M,'Parametrised');

            %find which multi indices in NOne correspond to multi indices
            %in N that fulfill cond
            idx_base = ismember(idx_N_base,find(cond));
            [NOne,idx_N,idx_One] = deal(NOne_base(:,idx_base),idx_N_base(idx_base),idx_One_Base(idx_base));

            pis = compute_pi(NOne,KM,field);

            % Sort columns in ascending order of index in K
            [idx_K,sort_idx_K] = sort(idx_K);
            idx_M = idx_M(sort_idx_K);
            pis = pis(:,sort_idx_K);

            % Sort rows in ascending order of index in N
            [idx_N,sort_idx_N] = sort(idx_N);
            idx_One = idx_One(sort_idx_N);
            pis = pis(sort_idx_N,:);

            % Read out corresponding SSM coefficients and multiply by pi
            % (redundancy could be resolved by sorting by idx_M and only reading out each once )

            [X_w,Y_w] = meshgrid(idx_One,idx_M);
            X_w = reshape(X_w,[],1);
            Y_w = reshape(Y_w,[],1);
            lin_idx_W = sub2ind(size(W(m+1).coeffs),X_w,Y_w);
            W_coeffs = W(m+1).coeffs(lin_idx_W);
            W_pi = full(reshape(W_coeffs,numel(idx_K),numel(idx_N)).'.* pis);

            % Sum all the contributions that correspond to the same columns
            % in K
            [xx, yy] = ndgrid(idx_K.',1:size(W_pi, 1));
            accum_Wpi = accumarray([yy(:) xx(:) ], reshape(W_pi.', 1, []));

            % Getting all (n_j)s
            % (could be more efficient if redundancy in n_js is removed)
            lin_idx_N = sub2ind(size(N),idx_One,idx_N);
            accum_Wpi = accum_Wpi .*reshape(N(lin_idx_N),[],1);

            %nposition of each element in accum_Wpi wrt N(:,cond) for
            %summing them
            [~,ia,ic] = unique(idx_N,'stable');
            pos_idx_N = 1:numel(ia);
            pos_idx_N = pos_idx_N(ic);

            if size(pos_idx_N,2)>1
                pos_idx_N = pos_idx_N.';

            % Summing terms for same column in N
            [xx, yy] = ndgrid(pos_idx_N,1:size(accum_Wpi, 2));
            sigma_m = accumarray([xx(:) yy(:)], accum_Wpi(:));

            %Create linear indices
            [X,Y] = meshgrid(unique(idx_N),unique(idx_K));
            X = reshape(X,[],1);
            Y = reshape(Y,[],1);
            lin_idx = sub2ind(size(sigma_out),X,Y);

            % Read out results
            sigma_out(lin_idx) = sigma_out(lin_idx) + reshape(sigma_m.',size(sigma_out(lin_idx)));

